Vol 24 No 3-4 (1995)


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    Fungicidal efficiency of Iranian made benzalkonium chloride named Akhgar, Afshang and Hamoon were evaluated on pure culture species of Aspergillus nijer, Candida ablicans and Mucour according to the standard method No. 2442 issued by the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, from October 1993 to March 1994. Suspensions were prepared in a way that each cubic centimeter having 3.5×107 condia of Aspergillus nijer, 4×107 Candida albicans yeast cell and 2×107 Mucour spore, and Improved Neubauer slide counting cell were used for enumeration. These laboratory study showed that Lecithine and Tween were the best neutralizers with equal power. Usage of five dilutions of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1 fungus separately at 6.5 to 6.7 pH, confirmed the correctness of dilution figure of 0.4 percent proposed by producer companies and showed that these fungi are still sensitive against Benzalkonium Chloride disinfectants.
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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and epidemiology of Intestinal Parasites in Iran. The information was driven from an extensive Health Survey which was done by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, deputy of Research Affairs in 1990-92. Sampling fraction was 1 per 1000 of individuals aged between 2 and 69, the sampling method was cluster sampling and each cluster consisted of 7 families. Formal-ether was the method of finding parasites which included: Oxior, Ascariasis, Giardiasis, Entamoeba-histolytica, Tinea, Strongyloidiasis, Ancylostoma, and Trichocephaliasis. The highest prevalence rate belonged to Giardiasis with 14.4% and the lowest one belonged to Tinea and Ancylostoma with 0.2%. The prevalence rate in rural area was significantly lower than urban area (p<0.0001).
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    Six- to sixty months old children were studied in Sirjan villages, divided into villages with or without a health house (HH). All the 893 children were medically examined and their food intake was assessed, using the 24-hours dietary recall method. Ascorbic acid was determined in blood samples of 199 children. The results obtained are as follows: 1; the average vitamin C intake for all the children were more than the respective RDA, being 32.3+32 mg. In the 13-24 months group, however, the intake was 25.1+17.8 mg. 2; As compared with the standard, a smaller percentage of 6-12 months old subgroup suffered from vitamin C deficiency relative to other subgroups, which might be because of breast feeding. 3; Altogether 30% of the children had a low intake. 4; the mean total blood ascorbic acid in all the subgroups was significantly higher than the standard. 5; There was no significant difference between the two regions with regard to blood ascorbic acid, there was no difference in two sexes either. 6; only 1.5% of all the children had a low blood vitamin C level. 7; A low dietary intake of vitamin C was a nutritional problem among the children, but biochemical and clinical findings did not confirm this.
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    Five strains of mouth normal microflora containing staphylococcus epidermidis, streptococcus mutant, lactobacillus acidophilus, Actinomyces viscosos and candida albicans, were isolated and identified then cultured and purified on different media by using routine methods in microbiology. Extract of 3 garlic samples south (Khuzestan), north (Mazanderan) and Hamedan garlics, were affected on these microbial cultures using Bauer and Kirby method. The effects were compared with antimicrobial effects of erythromycin. The results show all three used extracts have antimicrobial effects. The extract had a bactericidal effect on bacteria but a fungi static on candida albicans.
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    During a period of 5 months of 276 faecal specimens of inpatients, aged 0 to 5 years old, with diarrhea in Zahedan, were screened for evidence of enteric Campylobacteria For isolation, the stool was plated on a selective medium and incubated at 42oc in a microaerophilic atmosphere for 48-72 hours. On Gram stain, the organisms were small, curved, comma shaped and gram negative rods. The following tests, which have been done, were among the most important differential characteristics for Campylobacter species: catalase, oxidase, hippurate hydrolysis, growth in the presence of 1% glycin, 3.5% Nacl and 42oC, susceptible to nalidixic acid and cephalotin. The results were shown that out of 276 specimens, 15(5.4%) were positive for Campylobacter, 10 organisms were C. jejuni, whereas 5 were identified to be C. coli. All strains were isolated from children below 2 years of age. These were sensitive to nalidixic acid, erythromycin, streptomycin and nitrofuranotoin, while the isolates were resistant to cephalotin, penicillin G, co-trimoxazol and amoxicillin.
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    Purification of parasitic antigens is a major activity in immunoparasitology because of its application in immunodiagnosis, vaccination analysis of immunopathology, preparation of monocolomal antibody and finding out the cross reactive antigens versus specific antigens of a parasite. In this survey F2 ultrafiltration excretory secretory antigens of Ascaris lumbricoides and Toxocara cati were separated by gel chromatography on sephacryl S-200 into several antigenic and non antigenic fractions. The E/S antigens of this nematode were analyzed by using soudium dodecyl sulfate polyacryl amide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE analysis of Ascaris lumbricoides and Toxocara cati revealed a minimum of 12 KD to 130 KD distinct with brilliant coomassie blue staining bands respectively.