Vol 12 No 1-4 (1983)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 64 | views: 89 | pages: 1-8
    In an attempt to convert mass vaccination practices to the Extended Programme on Immunization, a sero-evaluation study was carried out in rural Iran in 1976. A total of 22 246 rural children of 2-12 years of age were sampled. Blood samples taken on filter paper were tested by indirect hemagglutination technique to determine the level of circulating antibodies against tetanus toxoid. Tetanus was selected as an index not only because natural antibody against it is practically non existent, but also because protective levels of this antibody can reveal vaccination status of the individuals. Results show that except for few districts where complete protection reaches over 70%, the immunization status is not commendable. Moreover, no specific pattern for immunization could be detected. These and other results are discussed.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 74 | views: 74 | pages: 9-15
    The IFA and the blue dye decolourization G6PD tests were applied in three cross-sectional studies to find out were applied in three cross-sectional studies to find out the relationship of malarial antibodies and G6PD deficiency in the male residents of the malarious areas of southern Iran. In the first study that the blood samples were collected in a random sampling method from the whole Hormozgan province, the G6PD deficient individuals has, significantly, lower sero-positive rate (SPR) and also, considerably lower total geometric mean of reciprocal titers (GMRT) with P.falciparum antigen as compared to the G6PD normal subjects. But with P.vivax antigen SPR and GMRT in both groups were almost the same. However in the second and third studies that the blood samples were collected from the selected groups of the residents of the above Hormozgan province with high incidences of malaria no such distinct serological differences between G6PD deficient and G6PD normal groups was observed. It is concluded that the cross-sectional serological survey of malaria in populations who are more frequently exposed to malarial infections, particularly in the areas where P.vivax is also prevalent is not enough to show a conclusive serological evidence to support G6PD /malaria hypotheses.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 58 | views: 58 | pages: 26-31
    Anopheles dthali Patton which is one of the 7 malaria vectors in Iran was not taken in to consideration until November 1965 when definite sporozaites were found for the first time in its salivary glands in Bandar Abbas, south of Iran. Afterwards, efforts have been made to get complete ecological and epidemiological information on this species. The areas of study were two districts of Mamasani, an agricultural area, located 200 km north of the Persian Gulf. The objective of the present paper is to summarize and discuss briefly the field investigations concerning the nocturnal biting cycle and behavior of An. dthali as well as the comparative attractiveness of man and cattle to these vectors under the impact of the organophosphouous insecticides. On the basis of the data collected, it was found that most of the bites take place between 21.00-24.00 hr. Biting pattern under local condition indicated that the number of bites per cow was much greater than the number of bites per man.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 83 | views: 110 | pages: 32-42
    A thin-layer chromatography method has been developed and evaluated for the separation and determination of lysine and methonine in a mixture of amino acids obtained from acid or enzyme hydrolysis of protein. The solvent systems were (a) ethanol-ether, (b) phenol-water, (c) ethyl methyl ketone-pyridine-distilled water-glacial acetic acid. Procedures in all the three stages were in the same dimension. Results of casein analysis by this method showed ± 15% fluctuations when compared with standard amino acid analyzer.