Vol 36 No 4 (2007)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 94 | views: 139 | pages: 1-5

    Background: Plasmodium vivax malaria accounts for approximately 88% of malaria cases in Iran. There is limited in­formation on genetic diversity of P. vivax in the country and a need to develop and apply an effective vaccine against the dis­ease is necessary. Among many potential candidates, MSP -3β gene is promising target. This study was designed and car­ried out to determine the variation of this gene as genetic marker in population of malarious areas of Iran.

    Methods: Blood sample of 85 P. vivax isolates from four southern and east-southern provinces of the country assessed for poly­morphism of PvMSP-3β gene by PCR/RFLP method.

    Results:  Based on the size of PCR product of the gene, 7 genetically different types of parasite has been distinguished. Two alleles were simultaneously visible in 19 % of the cases. Results from PCR/RFLP analysis of PvMSP-3β gene showed at least 15 allelic groups. Multiple infections have been found in 2.4 % of the cases.

    Conclusion: PvMSP-3β gene was highly diverse in P. vivax isolates of malarious areas of Iran, and can be a suitable marker for population genetic studies of P. vivax. More investigations on PvMSP-3β genes are needed to reveal genetic structure of P. vivax in Iran.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 113 | views: 168 | pages: 6-11

    Background: To analyze serologic markers of Hepatitis G virus (GBV-c) infection in Iranian blood donors and two major groups of multitransfused patients, hemophiliacs and thalassemics.

    Methods :Nine hundred and five serum samples collected from the volunteer blood donors and two patient groups under the study were tested for the presence of antibodies to the GBV-C antigen (anti E2 ) by an ELISA assay .Those found positive for anti- E2 were also tested for possible exposure to HCV by detecting anti- HCV in their sera. Levels of ALT were also tested to evaluate impact on liver function.

    Results: Approximately 8.6% of the volunteer blood donors were found positive for anti-E2 .The prevalence rate in hemophili­acs was 41.4 % and in thalassemia patients was 33.4% , which was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than donors. How­ever, the prevalence rate among the two high risk groups was not statistically significant.

    Conclusion: A large number of the healthy blood donors in Iran have been exposed to the GBV-C. The significantly higher lev­els seen in the multitransfused patients can be regarded as an important route of transmission. It seems that no evidence of liver damage in individuals exposed confirming that GBV-C is not a hepatitis virus.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 106 | views: 161 | pages: 12-19

    Background: Bongaarts's model of Ci calculation was used to calculate the contribution of breast-feeding to family planning.

    Methods: This cross-sectional  study was conducted in the area of  İstanbul (TURKEY) Silivri Public Health Practice and Research Center between the dates of 20th May-1st October 2005. In this study  whole under 1 year old babies, composed the sample (n=1247). Bongaarts model can be summarized as Total Fertility Rate (TFR)= TF x Ci x CA x CC x Cm and takes its bases from TF ( total fertility). Ci is the Postparum infekunditi index.  Ci= 20"(18.5+i) is calculated by this formula. The first menstruation period, after pregnancy ends, was taken as the value ‘i'.

    Results: The average age for the total 1247 mothers who contributed to this study was 26.7±5.2 (R: 16 - 50) yr. The women whose menstruation turned back (n=830), the average amenore period was found as 3.0±1.9 (1-12 months). Ci's average value was 0.94±0.07 (0,66-1.03) and a r= -0.08, P= 0.012 correlation was appointed between mother's age and Ci. 7.7% of partici­pants (n: 96) used breast-feeding as a contraceptive method. These participants used breast-feeding as contracep­tion for 16.9±14.5 wk.

    Conclusions: Breast-feeding is a reliable and a positive affecting   method of family planning for both improving the baby and mother's health. Furthermore   also by affecting TFR over Ci, it provides a positive contribution to society health.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 166 | views: 201 | pages: 20-25

    Background: To determine the species distribution, updated drug susceptibility patterns and genes conferring resistance in clini­cal vancomycin resistant enterococcal (VRE) isolates.

    Methods: Clinical enterococcal isolates collected during 7 months, from September 2005 to April 2006 from hos­pitalized pa­tients and outpatients were studied. Twenty five VRE were isolated from 450 enterococci samples (5.6%). VRE isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility tests. Genotype of these isolates was determined by PCR.

    Results: All of the isolateswere E. faecium and carried the vanA gene. Antibiotic susceptibility tests showed that the iso­lates were resistant to ampicillin 25(100%), ciprofloxacin 25(100%), gentamicin 24(96%), erythromycin 25(100%), tetracy­clin 10(40%) and chloramphenicol 2(8%).

    Conclusion: VRE strains were resistant to three antibiotics and were susceptible to new antibiotics linezolid and dalfopris­tin-quinupristin. Switching to treatment with these antibiotics would relieve the problem for a short time.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 375 | views: 416 | pages: 26-34

    Background: Cancer is the second most common cause of non-accidental death in Iran. Geographical, racial and habitual differences have led to the variation in the incidence of cancer in different regions of this country. This study was performed to determine the incidence of cancer in the Kerman Province, central Iran.

    Methods: All newly diagnosed cases of cancer in the Kerman Province were recorded in a five-year period (1996-2000).

    Results: In all, 5884 new cases (55.7% males) of cancer were found after elimination of repeated cases. Based on age-stan­dardized incidence rates (ASR) the most common cancers in men were stomach (10.2), lung (7.1), bladder (6.7), colorectal (5.9) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (5.8), while in women the most common cancers were breast (16.9) colorectal (5.9), stomach (5.1), leukaemia (4.6) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (2.8). For all cancers, ASR was 76 for males and 68 for females.

    Conclusion: The results indicate that upper gastrointestinal cancer, especially oesophageal cancer is very rare in central Iran in contrast to northern Iran, although these types of cancers are some of the most common cancers in the Kerman Province.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 151 | views: 220 | pages: 35-41

    Background: Chronic illnesses are by definition long lasting and without a definitive cure. In Iran, like in many other developing countries, chronic diseases are not merely diseases of the elderly. They also affect a much higher proportion of people during their prime working years and more so than in the developed countries. Therefore, it is essential to understand the factors influencing the health promotion of patients who suffer from chronic illnesses in order to be able to advance a sense of well-being amongst this patient group.

    Methods: A content analysis with a qualitative approach was conducted and 35 patients with chronic illness were interviewed.

    Results: Six main themes emerged from the collected data, all of which affected the health promotion in patients.

    Conclusion: A positive interaction of the aforementioned factors can lead to a better health attainment, whilst a negative effect may result if these factors operate in the opposite direction.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 317 | views: 312 | pages: 42-49

    Background:  Human fascioliasis is an important health problem in the province of Gilan, at the Caspian Sea, Iran. There is the overlapping of both fasciolid species, Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. Recent studies on both domestic animal and lym­naeid infection furnished evidence suggesting that F. gigantica and Radix gedrosiana may be the main fasciolid and lym­naeid involved in the disease in that province, controversy still being there concerning the presence and importance of F. hepatica and other lymnaeid species. The present paper includes the results of studies on Galba truncatula and the first find­ing of natural infection by F. hepatica in Gilan proved by molecular studies.

    Methods: Snail collections were carried out in summer, when their populations present the highest densities. Surveys on lym­naeids furnished the finding of a lymnaeid snail infected by trematode rediae and cercariae in the mountains of Talesh, in the Asalem district, western Gilan.

    Results: Nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS-2 sequences proved that they were F. hepatica and G. truncatula. The liver fluke ITS-2 sequence was identical to that of F. hepatica from Spain and the Northern Bolivian Altiplano and that of G. trunca­tula to the haplotype H-2 known in Portugal, Spain, France and The Netherlands.

    Conclusion: This genetic characterization sug­gests that both may be also involved in human fascioliasis infection in Gilan. 

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 200 | views: 315 | pages: 50-56

    Background: Acinetobacter spp., as important opportunistic pathogens, have been found to be responsible for an increas­ing number of nosocomial infections. This study was undertaken to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular typing of Iranian isolates of A. baumannii.

    Methods: The study was conducted over a period of 19 months in three hospitals in Tehran, Iran. Acinetobacter spp. were isolated from different clinical specimens using standard bacteriological methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed according to the standard CLSI guideline using 17 antibiotic disks. The AP-PCR fingerprinting was car­ried out using ARB11 primer. The PCR product was run and visualized in 2% agarose gels and stained with ethidium bro­mide. The AP-PCR profiles were grouped depending on the patterns of the amplified bands.

    Results: Sixty seven strains of Acinetobacter spp. (including 21 A. baumannii and 46 non- A. baumannii) were isolated. The sources of these isolates were blood, urine, wound, and respiratory tract.  A. baumannii isolates were further studied. Re­sults showed that all A. baumannii isolates were resistant to at least 11 antibiotics tested. AP-PCR analysis of A. bauman­nii strains resulted in 7 different patterns. The dominant AP-PCR pattern was E (57.1%).

    Conclusion: Acinetobacter spp. are still important nosocomial pathogens in the region studied and most of isolates were multi-drug resistant. Our results also indicate that the AP-PCR technique represents a rapid and simple means for typing of A. baumannii.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 982 | views: 1734 | pages: 57-64

    Background: Although stabilization ponds and lagoons are suitable treatment processes due to simplicity of operation and low per capital costs, the effluents of these systems have too high of a total suspended solids concentration to be discharged into receiving waters. This problem is mainly caused by algae. In this study, an electro-coagulation reactor was examined to re­move algae from the final effluent of the wastewater treatment plant belong to Bu-Ali Industrial Estates (Hamadan City).

     Methods: For the continuous flow electro-coagulation reactor used in these experiments three aluminum anodes were util­ized. This type of metal was selected because it could introduce the flocculation agent into the effluent, thereby algae could be removed by both mechanisms of electro-flotation and electro-flocculation.

    Results: The results of treatment were remarkably good and the efficiencies of total suspended solids (TSS) and chlorophyll a removal reached to as high as 99.5% and about 100% by applying a power input of about 550 W. In fact, this level of power input was needed for complete removal of algae in a low retention time of 15 minutes. Meanwhile, by applying less power input of about 100Wdm-3, the required time for a relatively same treatment was reached to 30 minutes.

    Conclusion: It is expected that this method which is also known as a multiple contaminants removal process will be consid­ered as a suitable alternative for final polishing of effluents from lagoons and similar treatment systems. 

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 135 | pages: 65-69

    Background: This study was undertaken to examine the reversibility of renal injury in the male New Zealand white rabbits sub­se­quent to a 90-days exposure to uranyl nitrate (UN) in drinking water. Animals were exposed for 90 days to uranyl ni­trate in their drinking water (24 or 500mg/l). Control group were given municipal tap water.

    Methods: The indicators of kidney function measured in this study included glucose (marker of tubular) microalbu­min(marker of glomerular) and marker for cell toxicity was  alkaline phosphatase.

    Results: Urinary glucose was found to be significantly different and positively correlated with uranium intake for rabbits. Mi­croal­buminuria was found to be significantly different but this different is in normal range. Increase of alkaline phos­phatase at weeks 2, 4, 6 was correlated with uranium intake, but at weeks 8, 10, 13 excretion of alkaline phosphatase was de­creased.

    Conclusion: These results suggest that chronic ingestion of uranium in drinking water affect kidney function and to the proxi­mal tubule, rather than glomerul.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 341 | views: 333 | pages: 70-73

    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial activity of watermelon juice probioticated using differ­ent strains of lactobacilli against Salmonella typhimurium.

    Methods: Probioticated watermelon juice was produced using four strains of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophil­lus, L. fementum and L. plantarum). The watermelon juice was pasteurized for 30 minutes at 63º C and was inoculated with a 24 h culture of individual lactobacilli and incubated at 37º C. All of the lactobacilli were capable of growing in water­melon juice and reached a cell density of 108 CFU/ml after 48 h incubation at 37º C. Overnight culture of S. typhimurium was added to probioticated watermelon juice and reduction of the viable cells were assayed, on bismuth sulfite agar medium for 24 h. Antimicrobial activities of the lactobacilli cells against the test strain of Salmonella were also determined by measur­ing the diameter of growth inhibition zone in agar spot test.

    Rsults: All of the lactobacilli could inhibit growth of S. typhimurium with L. casei being the most potent. S. typhimurium was totally eradicated in probioticated watermelon juice after 2-6 h.

    Conclusion: The probioticated watermelon juices could differ in their antagonistic activities against Salmonella which could be due to the metabolite secreted by the lactic acid bacteria specially type of organic acids.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 111 | views: 148 | pages: 74-80

    Background: Rafsanjan -Noogh- Anar's plain (54°, 52′- 56°, 34′ longitudinally & 29°, 51′- 31°, 31′ latitudinally) is one of the Iran's plains located in sub- basin of Daranjir desert. Anar's plain is located at the lowest part of Rafsanjan -Noogh- Anar's plain. According to the geological and field studies of the area, the presence of west and east mounts and deposits re­sulting from evaporation in lower parts of the area are indicative of boron contamination of Anar underground water.

    Methods: In the present study, 50 deep wells covering Anar plain were selected based on statistical methods. Boron con­centration in each well was measured by Azomethine- H method in the middle of each season, from 2003 to 2007.

    Results: Comparing the obtained boron concentrations with WHO guidelines, Anar underground water is not safe for drink­ing (mean= 8.88 mg/L). In major part of the plain, the quality of water is not suitable for the growth of plants that are sensi­tive and unresisting to boron. Only in 17.1% of the samples boron concentration was between 0.7-3 mg/L that based on the guide­lines of Food and Agriculture Organization is suitable for some types of plants. Field studies about the area flora con­firm the obtained results too. Changes in the quality of underground water during the years of study, showed a worsening proc­ess over time.

    Conclusion: To solve the problem, mixing of the water of low boron wells with high boron wells is recommended.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 795 | views: 582 | pages: 81-86

    Background: Organizational features can affect how employers view on their QWL is an important consideration for employ­ees interested in improving employees' job satisfaction.

    The research reported here aimed to provide the processes used to investigate and implement a pathway for TUMS Employ­ees Improving of Quality of Work Life as an approach model.

    Methods: A Quality of Work Life Strategic Planning Committee was formed to focus on enhancing TUMS employees' qual­ity of work life. In the next step 30 QWL teams consisting of managers and employees were conducted in each of 15 as all of TUMS Hospitals. Committee members identified similar key themes of dissatisfaction. Based on the key themes identi­fied, a survey was developed by QWL Strategic Planning by the questionnaires which distributed to 942 employees and 755 of them were returned. The collected data were saved by SPSS software and analyzed by statistical method.

    Results: The results from the survey showed that the perceived strongest areas among 12 categories developed by QWL Strate­gic Planning Committee that employees agreed to improve on their QWL were communication, leadership monetary an non- monetary compensation and support. This committee evaluated the outcomes of QWL managers and employees teams to improve the employees, quality of work life at 15 TUMS Hospitals.

    Conclusion: The QWL Strategic Planning Committee recommend a new approach model to suggest the ways which impres­sive on the employees' improving QWL.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 100 | views: 177 | pages: 87-90

    Background: The serum levels of C3, C4, and the total hemolytic activity of complement system (CH50) of patients ex­posed to mustard gas (MG) in the battlefield were measured in this study.

    Methods: C3 and C4 were measured by single radial immunodifusion and CH50 was evaluated according to total hemolytic activ­ity of the serum.

    Results:  The serum levels of C3 showed a significant increase on day 3 after exposure to MG. The serum levels of C3 in the sera of patients collected during 4-18 and 19-31 days after exposure to MG were also found to have increased significantly com­paring to those of the controls. The levels of C4 in the sera of patients collected from the patients during 4-18 and 19-31 days after exposure were also found to be significantly higher than those of the controls. However the increase in the serum lev­els of C4 were not in the same magnitude as those of the C3. The serum CH50, which is a measure of the total hemolytic activ­ity of classical complement system also showed a significant increase in patients' sera on day 3 and in the sera collected dur­ing 4-18 days after exposure. However, the CH50 in the sera of patients showed a decrease in the sera collected during 19-31 days after exposure to MG.

    Conclusion: Since C3 is an acute phase protein as well as a complement component, these results are discussed in terms of a vigorous acute phase response and activation of the complement system.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 261 | views: 197 | pages: 91-95

    Background: Tween as a substitute for diethyl ether in the formalin-ether sedimentation technique was evaluated for para­site detection.

    Methods: Fresh fecal material free of parasites with 10% formalin to prepare standardized specimen was thoroughly pooled. This specimen was divided into 5 equal portions; one was without infection, and each of the others was individually seeded with Entamoeba coli, and Giardia lamblia cysts, ova of Ascaris lumbericoides, and Hymenolepis nana. Six hundred and eighty four slides including 228 stool samples for each of formalin-tween, formalin-ether and direct wet mount proce­dures were examined.

    Results: The sensitivity of above mentioned procedures were computed 72.1%, 55% and 30 %; their negative predictive value were 69.3%, 58.3% and 47.3%; and their false negative error rate were 27.9%, 45% and 70%, respectively. There were no false-positive results among the 264 specimens previously identified as negative for the presence of intestinal para­sites. Therefore, specificity for each technique was 100%.

    Conclusion: In the range of our study, formalin-tween method proved to be equivalent to or better than formalin-ether tech­nique in concentrating parasite eggs, and cysts, as well as in maintaining characteristic morphology. Tween is more stable, safer, cheaper, and less flammable than that of ether; and promises to be a useful alternative to ether.