Vol 18 No 1-4 (1989)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 61 | views: 79 | pages: 1-8
    C3 typing was performed, by agarose gel electrophorisis, in 147 German patients suffering from hyperlipoproteinemia. The control group consisted of 322 healthy Germans. High frequencies of non-typeable sera, varying between 16.66 and 35.71% in different HLP types, found in the present investigation are notable and are a clue for chemical denaturation of C3 protein in HLP patients. Statistical analysis showed significant results (P.0.001) in all five HLP types, as well as in the total, in comparison with the control group.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 80 | views: 91 | pages: 9-28
    A total of 1695 blood samples collected from ten ethnically distinct populations of Iran (Turks and Kurds of Rezaieh, Lurs, Aabolis, Baluchis, Turks and Kurds of Shrvan, Zoroastrians, Tehranis, and Kermanis) were examined for six polymorphic red cell enzyme systems, namely red cell acid phosphatase (AP), adenylate kinase (AK), phosphoglucomutase (PGM1), esteraxe D (ESD), adenosine deaminase (ADA), and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD). The gene frequencies obtained from these samples were combined with the hitherto reportec corresponding data from other Iranian groups to determine the genetic structure of the Iranian population as a whole. The population of Iran was then compared with reported frequencies for neighbouring populations, as with those for European and Indian groups. The generalized feature of red cell enzyme gene frequencies for the whole country f about 31% Pa ; 67% Pb ; 2% Pc ; 6% Ak2 ; 31% PGM2 ; from the values found in the countries to the west and an approach to those in the Indian region.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 92 | views: 116 | pages: 29-38
    Evidence provided from studies in Iran points to a possible bias in application of the standard EPI cluster sampling procedure, When carried out in populations with highly variant birth rates, tends to over-represent the low birth rate, i.e. higher socio-economic, strata, and if the entity under study shows significant socio-economic gradient, then the estimates arrived at by this method might be highly biased. Some alternatives have been mentioned.