Vol 1 No 1 (1972)


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    The need of the society for medical and health care services and the question of training of physician and medical education program, are major problems which the health and education planners are faced with. The increasing tendency toward specialization in various branches of medicine, has created a significant gap between the rea1 medical need of the community, ie, primary comprehensive health care and what the medical profession offers at the time being; in other words the medical profession is gradually losing the social and humanitarian aspects of their services: In order to overcome these problems, there is an urgent need for the critical redefinition of the objectives of medical education and the training of physicians and as a consequence, a sound revision in medical education program. The present paper has tried to review some aspects of this very complex and important subject. In the present paper, the teaching of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Medical Education and their p1aces in the medical curriculum are discussed. The aims and objectives, of medical education in general and for Iran, in particular, are reviewed. The principles governing the training of General Practitioner and development of a vide-spectrum medical, health and socio-economic know ledge and skill are pointed out: The contents of Public health and preventive medicine programmers and their distribution throughout the medical curricu1um (in pre-clinical and clinical periods) are detailed and exemplified, and the conditions to secure the proper implementation of such programmers are presented.

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    Since in the last decade, tremendous progress has been achieved in developed countries in all branches of technology including food technology, such to new ideas and techniques should be partially conveyed to the developing countries to create closer relationship between these two sectors of the world. The preventive measures should be seriously taken to avoid the food poisoning outbreak which usually happens through contamination of foods and distribution of such foods by quickest contact (Jet food borne diseases). Food hygiene is a multidisciplinary science in which different scientific discipline is involved and the problem within the subject would be of nationa1, regional on international interest. The organization and management of food hygiene program in each country should be based upon the socio-economic development of the country and the direct complete imitation of such a program of a developed country in a developing country is not always successful. The Lab/field relationship should be strengthened in an adequate food hygiene program as a safeguard of Public health. Food Hygiene specialists are recently defined by WHO expert committee on food hygiene as fol1ows.1. General Food Hygienists: Those who have graduate study on biochemistry, anatomy and physiology of animals, animal pathology, microbiology etc.2. Special Food Hygienists: Who have passed post-graduate courses and are specialized either by the type of foods, as specialist in fish, milk meat, etc., or by the scientific disciplines as food chemist, food microbiologist, food virologist, etc.3. Technician and Auxiliaries: Those who are trained for two years are called technicians. For Auxiliaries 9 months courses should be recommended.
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    Milk samples were collected once every two weeks from 69 milk distribution centers for a period of one year. The samples were examined for Brucella infection by means of a ring test. It was shown that the infection of milk has no relation to any special season. Cattle, sheep and goat milk were all found infected. Some of the positive milk specimens were cultured and Brucella was isolated.

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    The evaluation of bactericidal effects of chemical compounds is one of the primary duties of the Public health laboratories. To meet this, several compounds were tested against various strains of bacteria (Salmonella typhosa, Sh. flexneri type 2, E. Coli Pathogen serotype 0124B17, and Cholera vibrio-Eltor serotype Inaba) at Reference laboratories, Ministry of Health. It was found that Sodium p-toluensulfonchloramide, Benzalkonium chloride land Calcium hypochlorite at 1000 PPM concentration and in 10 minutes have a complete kil1ing effect on four bacteria and are successively the compound of choice. Sublimate soap and Potassium permanganate in 1/100 concentration have significant killing effects on all tested bacteria in 5 minutes exposure; but at this concentration, both compounds (particularly the second ,one) will deteriorate the exposed materials. Domestic detergents (in ordinary concentrations) and Sodium chloride (even in saturated concentration) have no significant bactericidal effects.
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    Measles is one of the viral and extremely contagious and acute diseases of childhood affecting almost all children. Prior to the discovery of the measles vaccine, the mortality from this disease was one of the highest child mortality figures, especially in the developing countries, with the death rate ranging over 5 to 10% of the infected? Before the vaccination program I was launched in the country, the number of cases of this disease varied between 150.000 to 500,000 during non epidemic and epidemic years, with the mortality more than 10 or 15 per cent the cases in rural and mountainous localities. The available statistics show that the highest figure of measles patient in Iran belongs to the 1-7 years age-group and the highest of its mortality belongs to the age between 1-2 years. In view of the high morbidity and mortality rates of this disease, and thanks to the quick growth under way in public health maters, gradually the significance of this grave problem was more felt. Thus, to control the disease, the ministry of health decided, in 19.6566, to carry out a study program with the help of the Institute of Public Health Research and, with the desired result on hand from the experimental vaccines, to launch a mass vaccination campaign against measles. Consequently, the mass vaccination program was started from 1967, with priority being given to rura1 area and mountainous localities. From 1970, with the cooperation of the ministry of health and Razi Institute the measles vaccine was produced within the country, and, by the end of 1971 the number of vaccinated children was about 3,517,547 which constitutes almost 37% of the susceptible population. The out come has been I an obvious decline in the prevalence and incidence of this disease and an outstanding change in its epidemiological trend. Thus, in the event that the rate of susceptible population coverage by this vaccine (a single shoot or which gives permanent or at least, a long immunity) should reach 70-80% along with other health measures and systemic surveillance, the disease will entirely come under control.

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    There are several methods to determine the Birth Rate and the Death Rate (B.R. & D.R) in deve1oping countries. In this study, we have used a retrospective method in a group of villages that have been under surveillance for another purpose. The area under survey consists of 23 villages in Isfahan with a population of 9,839. The B.R. and D.R. found in this survey were 13 and 40.8 per thousand respectively. Due to the under enumeration, of deaths under one year of age the rate have been corrected. The final results were 17 per thousand for D.R. and 44.7 per thousand for B.R. the are relatively acceptable for the area.
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    A survey on the cause of blindness in Iran was carried out among 870 blinds from all parts of the country. 305 people with the same cause, 27 with different causes were blind from both eyes and 538 were blind from one eye. In present paper the first ten causes of blindness is pointed out and these causes are compared in the three different zones of ten countries, also the cause of blindness in different age groups are described. 36/1% of blindness is due to contagious conjunctivitis and trachoma, (In 1956 these diseases were 56.3% as the cause of blindness.), cataract 14.6%, physical agents 13.6% and glaucoma 10% are some of the other important causes.
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    In order to have a rational environmental health planning we need to know the status of environmental health and foresee the results of the projects in action. So a general sanitary survey was carried out in 105 villages in Isfahan area in 1969-70. The purposes of this survey were to study the sanitary condition and bacteriblogica1 quality of water in villages with or with out community water supply as well as villages with local water sources (family Wells) and to evaluat6 the effect of the above systems as well as the conditions of latrines and waste disposa1s on the prevalence of enteric infections of bacterial and parasitic natures. The survey showed that 87.6% of villages with community water supplies have water with MNP less than 5 per ml, and 88% of villages with family well waters have water with MNP over 5 per more than the minimum acceptable. In connections with the distribution and prevalence of enteric infections among inhabitants, no differences of statlistica1 significance were observed between different villages enjoying various systems of water or excreta and waste disposal. It seems that many other factors are responsible in the transmission and occurrence of such infections.