Vol 2 No 1 (1973)


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    Skin test trials with standards S. mansoni antigen have been undertaken inn Iran to determine the reliability of this method for the misdiagnosis of urinary bilharziasis and the factors which interfere with the results obtained, such as the presence of animal schistosomes and human infection with intestinal helminthiasis.Five groups of people, namely, known infected caws of urinary bilharziasis, treated cases, negative cases from non- endemic area and students with different intestinal helminths, were included in these studies. A total of 234 persons were examined during this trial. The results obtained indicate that, while the difference observed between known positive and negative cases is highly significant, the difference between positive cases and ases treated a year previously is not significant. When the difference between positive cases and persons exposed to S. bovis is significant, the difference between the latter group and negative cases is not significant.

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    A total number of 124 women of childbearing age attending a family planning clinic in Teheran were investigated for the effects of contraceptive steroids and the intra-terine device on their Hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, Serum Iron and serum TIBC. A total of 42 women were used as control group of 42 women who were fitted with an intra-uterine device, 17 were studied for changes in their blood picture or the first 6 months –2 years of use. There was a drop in their mean Hb oncenuration from 14.2 gm to 12.6 gm (the difference is statistically significant), with changes in CV. Serum Iron and TIBC suggesting some degree of Iron deficiency anemia. In mmunities where levels of Hb tend to be lower than those of the present study, use of unsuitable IUD may precipitate severe degrees of Iron deficiency anemia. Forty-one omen were studied for effects of hormonal contraceptives on their blood picture for the first 6 months and for 6 months –2 years of use- There was a slight rise of the mean Hb from 14.1 to 14.3, although elevation of the mean PCV was more marked from 35.2 to 37.5 There was a marked elevation of Serum TIBC reaching levels higher than the normal 506.6 after 6 months of use (the difference is statistically significant), with one elevation in Serum Iron. These changes may be due to the combined effects of estrogens and progesterone in increasing the red cell volume and the balance of Iron between extra cellular fluid and Iron stores – Therefore, contraceptive pill should not be recommended for the sole reason of improving the hemoglobin levels of a community.
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    A field trial evaluation of Sumithion (OMS-43) was carried out (1972) in the Mamasani area, Kazeroun, Southern Iran, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this insecticide for the control of adult anopheline mosquitoes.The technical difficulties encountered in the area and related to malaria were the resistance of A. stephensi to DDT and Dieldrin, the exophilic and exophagic habits of A. d’thali, A. superpictus and A. fluviatilos and the ecology of the inhabitants.Sumithion spraying, wdp, 2 g/m2, covered 57 villages with a population of 11,445.One round of spraying was implemented in August at the peak of activity of A. stephensi. The effectiveness of Sumition was evaluated by pyrethrum spray, exit trap, night bait and outdoor ollections, as well as by age determination of female mosquitoes and biological evaluation.Pyrethrum spray catches showed a remarkable reduction in indoor resting density of A. stephensi. Exit trap observations indicated 100% mortality within a 24- hour recovery period. The man biting rate was reduced during the course of collection. On the basis of the results obtained, it was concluded that Sumithion is an effective insecticide against anopheline mosquitoes and controls A. stephensi, under the conditions of this experiment, for about two months.
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    The aim of this trial was to determine the toxic effect of OMS-43 on spraymen and inhabitants. The spraying operation lasted for 30 successive days, and two teams consisting of 20 spraymen, 2 mixers, 4 foremen and team leaders were engaged in this operation. The operators were under systematic and closed clinical observation and cholinesterase determination (tintometric method) during the operation as well as, in some cases, two months after. In spite of the rigid instructions given to the spraymen to follow the necessary precautions, there were 42 cases of clinical symptoms. In some individuals several relapses occurred during the operation. No complaints or cholinesterase depression was observed during the first 2- week exposure. The main clinical symptoms were headache, giddiness, nausea and abdominal cramps; some workers felt weakness. Diarrhea was reported among two cases and was treated with Enterovioform (Ciba).A drop in whole blood CHE was seen among both mixers accompanied by clinical symptoms. One of the mixers left his job when his CHE was depressed to 12.5. Out of 20 spraymen, 8 showed depression of CHE in some cases with clinical symptoms. This study showed that the use of Sumithion under local conditions (sub- tropics, hot dry season) was safe for residents, but its toxic effect on operators should be considered and further toxicological investigations are requires under tropical conditions.
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    Lynestrenol 0.5 mg.(Exlution) given to patients orally from the first day of their cycle in a continuous manner suppressed cervical mucorrhea and spinbarkeit sufficiently ennough to stop sperm penetration to the cervical canal. Fern reactions were mostly negative and all post- coital examinations (Sims Huhner tests) showed an absence of spermatozoa.
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    Studies undertaken on the susceptibility of various local snails to some of the important human and animal trematodes found in Iran have revealed that Bulinus truncatus, the distribution of which is restricted to the province of Khuzestan in the southwest of Iran is the intermediate host of Shistosoma haematobium, S. bovis and Paramaphistomum microbothrium in this area.This snail is also susceptible to strains of S. haematobium from Somalia and Egypt. It was also shown that Lymnaea gedrosiana is susceptible to and acts as an intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, F.gigantica and Ornithobilharzia turkestanicum. Extensive information regarding the intermediate host- parasite relationship was collected for S. haematobium, S.bovis and O.turkestanicum. The degree of susceptibility of the above-mentioned snails to their proper trematodes was also investigated. It was concluded that any effort toward the control of these two snails would result in the reduction of the prevalence of 6 important trematodes found among man and animals in the infested areas.
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    The effect of Phenylen di-isothiocyanate (Jonit) in the mass treatment of various intestinal helminthiases was evaluated among the inhabitants of a village in Dezful, southwest Iran. Stool samples collected and examined from 17 persons showed infection rates of 80% for Ancylostoma duodenale, 57.3% for Ascaris, 46.7% for Trichostronylus spp. and 22.8% for H. nana.Seventy- one persons (41 children and 30 adults), 92.9% of whom were infected with Ancylostoma, 63.3% with Ascaris, 61.9% with Trichostrongylus spp. and 28.1% with H. nana, were treated with doses of 100 to 300 mg of the drug according to their age. A stool examination of these patiennts undertaken 30 days after treatment showed cure rates of 50 % for H. Nana, 39.3% for Ancylostoma, 38.6% for Trichostrongylus spp, and 6.6% for Ascaris. The side effects observed, in order of severity, were nausea,