Impact of Global Climate-Change on Ecology of Anopheles Mosquitoes: A Systematic Review
Background: This study investigated the impact of climate variables on the prevalence of malaria, a climate-sensitive infectious disease.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted on articles published from Mar 2000 to Aug 2023 in Persian and English languages. Overall, 10,731 articles were retrieved, and 58 studies were included in the analysis.
Results: Climate variables such as temperature, rainfall, and humidity play a significant role in predicting malaria outbreaks, with inconsistencies observed in different regions, including Iran. The study highlights the need for tailored preventive.
Conclusion: Strategies and interventions to address the impact of climate change on malaria transmission. Enhanced health system resilience is essential to combat the anticipated rise in malaria cases in the future.
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Issue | Vol 54 No 3 (2025) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Climate change Global warming Malaria Anopheles |
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