Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Exhibiting Decrease Vertical Ground Reaction Force Compared to Healthy Individuals during Weight Bearing Tasks: A Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Background: Vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) can lead to the development knee osteoarthritis. This review systematic and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the VGRF in patellofemoral pain patients (PFP) during weight bearing tasks.
Methods: Search strategy was conducted in databases: Science Direct, Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar from Sep 2020 to Jun 2021. The VGRF components we measured were passive impact (Fz1)/peak and propulsion/active peak (Fz2). The quality of the studies was evaluated with Down and Black index and it was divided into three groups: low quality (LQ), medium quality (MQ) and high quality (HQ). The standardized mean difference between PFP and healthy individuals was used to calculate the effect size.
Results: Nine articles were selected for systematic review and meta-analysis of which 5 studies was HQ, 3 studies were MQ and 1 study was LQ were classified. PFP compared to healthy individuals with moderate and small effect size have reduced impact and propulsion respectively.
Conclusion: The in PFP, VGRF is influenced psychological, behavioral and biomechanical factors. Therefore, psychosomatic therapeutic approaches may have a long time effectiveness on the rehabilitation of PFP.
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Issue | Vol 52 No 2 (2023) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Kinetic Vertical loading Patellofemoral pain Movement |
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