Application of Y-STR, DIP-STR and SNP-STR Markers in Interpretation of Forensic Genetic Profiling: A Narrative Review
Y-STR, DIP-STR, and SNP-STR are useful alternatives for testing the low quantity of DNA in solving the challenges in interpreting forensic genetic profiling. In an unbalanced mixed DNA, partial DNA is often not detected due to the effect of masking by the dominant DNA. Therefore, in such cases interpretation of the results is limited. Furthermore, profiling of these specimens cannot be performed using conventional forensic genetic methods. Biomarkers including Y-STR, DIP-STR and SNP-STR perform well in detecting DNA contributes in the mixed sample. In the present research, the performance of each is evaluated separately.
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Issue | Vol 51 No 7 (2022) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Unbalanced mixed DNA Forensic genetic Marker Genetics |
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