Genotyping of Rotaviruses in River Nile in Giza, Egypt
Background: In 2013, WHO estimated the annual diarrheal mortality rate among children less than five years in Egypt was 24 deaths per 100.000, 2% was due to rotavirus infection.
Methods: Eight water samples were collected monthly from the Nile water stream passing through Giza over 12 months during June 2016 to May 2017. Totally, ninety-six water samples were collected and concentrated for the detection of rotavirus group A (RV-A) using RT-PCR. Multiplex semi-nested RT-PCR was performed to identify the genotypes P and G of RV-A.
Results: The detection rate of RV-A was 18.75% (18/96), whereas the rate of rotavirus genotypes G and P were 61% (11/18) and 50% (9/18), respectively. Rotaviruses G1P[8] and G1P[4] were the most common genotypes identified in our survey. In addition, the seasonal distribution findings demonstrated that the highest detection rate was 37.5% in the winter season, followed by 20.8%, 12.5% and 4% in spring, autumn and summer, respectively.
Conclusion: Multiplex semi-nested RT-PCR is a useful method for rapid detection and genotyping of RV-A in surface water samples.
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Issue | Vol 49 No 1 (2020) | |
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Rotavirus Genotype Water River Nile Egypt |
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