Vol Preliminary issue, No (1971)


  • XML | views: 172 | pages: 13-28

    This investigation, with the help of present statistics and demographic techniques, deals with the status and quality of bio-incidence, as the basis for recognition of the national population. The study considers mortality, fertility, population growth and forecast. Calculations showed that mortality for men and women was 17.4 per 1000, in the year of this study (1966) and life expectancy, at the time of birth, was 47 years and 11 months for men, and 47 years and 6 months for women. Birth rate, for the same year, was found to be 48 per 1000, which according to the basic general fertility rate was calculated to be 247.9 per 1000.The population forecast for Iran, considering three fertility theories, has been calculated to be 46 to 54 million in the year 1981.

  • XML | views: 119 | pages: 29-31
    Collecting and analyzing health related data and statistics are parts of health planning and in cases that lack sufficient data, the planning section is responsible for gathering the required information, by specific methods or carrying out research programs. In correct health planning, data collection and use of statistics and information, is not considered necessary in a large scale, but only required for as long as they have no objection with the aim of the planning and can be used in specific regional conditions. Since, planning is carried out with the health needs of a given population; the first step in data collection is related to the population. The second important group of data collection and vital statistics is related to the status of the epidemics, vital statistics, important and major health problems, environmental health, nutrition and expectancy, for diagnosing the community health. The third group of data collection and statistics are related to the health sources, manpower and the way the related institutions are active and managed. Finally, collecting helpful data, in the limits of possibilities in the health budget and expenses.
  • XML | views: 87 | pages: 32-41
    This study is analyses of national population estimates and aims for the next 20 to 50 years. Calculations are based on the population of 32 million in 1973 with the relative growth rate of 32 in 1000 and death rate of 16 in 1000.Considering various aims, reduction in the growth rate, birth rate and populations in the future years have been calculated. The results showed the need for extensive efforts in reduction of fertility in order to reach zero growth rate in 50 years (2023).
  • XML | views: 489 | pages: 42-46

    Decision making, for establishing programs of family planning in Iran has been based on national binary census and other scattered investigations and statistic gatherings. Both national censuses have shown young population, proving a disharmony in children fertility and mortality. For executing the policy of family planning, by instituting an office of under-secretary of family planning in the Ministry of Health, a series of measures were taken. Presently, more than 1500 family planning clinics and centers are active in the country. The aim of the government is to reduce the present rate of population growth rate of 3.2 percent to 1 percent. This great aim requires an all sided actions to be taken. Meanwhile, due to interference of social and economic factors, at least time equivalent of one generation is needed for the success of this aim. With carrying out population policy, old age tendency of the population in the long term would be a problem that must be considered from now.

  • XML | views: 82 | pages: 47-51
    Record registration was initiated in 1918 in Iran, but the office of the registration and identity card began with the law passed in 1925. From 1939 taking census started in the cities and until September 1941 census was taken in 35 cities. The first national census was taken in 1956. In 1958, the department of statistics was separated from that office and began its work as the general office for the public statistics, the remainder of the office continued as the general office of the record registration. The latter has 157 regional offices, each with central branches and several static units (Nationally 361) and some mobile or village units (755). Their work is to register birth and death. Existing problems in registration and the future objective work project, to be initiated, have been discussed and suggestions to omit the present deficiencies have been made.
  • XML | views: 143 | pages: 52-71
    Mortality case registration is one of the oldest statistical data keeping, more for the legal reasons. Mortality statistical data are used for demographic and health purposes, if they classified and adjusted for factors such as age, gender, etc. Deficiencies in mortality registration are absence of descriptive factors, absence of some case reports, inaccuracy in reported cases, and changes of description of the cause of disease in time. Specificities of mortality are: age, gender, and disease. Of the age related one, three categories are the most important, children under the age of one, 1-4 years group, and relative death rate, that is, percentage of death related to the group of over 50 years. In present time, the mortality specific data are based on reports on the Ministry of Health which is obtained from the reports of the cemeteries in Tehran and several large cities. According to these reports, children mortality in the large cities is 29 to 145 in 1000. Independent studies in the rural areas showed this rate to be 112.8 to 217 in 1000. Reported figures for the mortality rate of 1-4 years old age group in the large cities vary from 281 to 2206 per 1000. The reason for this difference is considered to be the deficiencies in the methods of reports of the regions. In all reported figures, the sex related group showed higher mortality rate in men, but due to deficiencies of the system of registration, this difference can not be considered real. The more important causes of death in Iran are related to malnutrition and infections. Sources of data for determination of morbidity rates are consistent reports of the contagious diseases, registration of all cases of chronic and non contagious diseases, and collection of data from the people as morbidity survey. In Iran, most of the cases are not reported; also, diagnoses are mostly on the bases of suspicions and guesses. For these reasons, the published statistical data and their variations can not be scientifically trusted. In the registration of a disease, only the important case of cancer registration in the north of Iran has been continued for some years as a research project, with successful results. Of the morbidity surveys, the health and diseases investigation project in Roudsar, the Bilharziosis studies in Khuzestan, national Malaria studies, and dermal Leishmaniasis, trachoma and dermal fungal diseases can be mentioned. These studies have produced relatively reliable data on the prevalence and appearance of the diseases, helping the control programs of these diseases.
  • XML | views: 106 | pages: 72-81
    The important items of health and treatment statistics are birth incidence, cause of death, contagious and chronic diseases, health facilities, man power, hospital services, health and treatment services in the area of environmental heath, health and family planning, public health education, laboratories affairs, control of tuberculosis, health services, etc. These statistical data are collected from hospitals, maternities, sanatoriums, clinics, medical centers, health centers, public health centers, whether governmental, half governmental, private or charity. However, 40 % of the morbidity data, 20 % of the cause of death, 80 % of facilities data, 54 % of hospital statistics and 80 % of activities data, and even those with deficiencies, are reported. The causes can be sought in the lack of cooperation by the half governmental organizations and charities, more particularly the private section and private physicians, lack of facilities for diagnosis of diseases, lack of possibilities for statistical sampling, insufficient number of well or sufficient trained statisticians, and finally, non-unified methods and data collection forms. In order to enhance the level of required health statistics, an executive committee for cooperation in health statistics, consistent of representatives of various organizations that have something to do with the issue of health, must be selected. This will result in cooperation and harmonious actions necessary for health programming. Guarantees of actions must be provided in order to carry out the present regulations. Statistics units must be instituted in all the treatment institutes. To produce motives of different groups for enhancing the statistical aspects, education in health statistics must be given in the levels of: 1) specialized and professional groups of statisticians; 2) medical and related groups; and 3) the general population. These can be achieved by radio and television programs, newspapers and editorials, seminars, conferences, and holding classes.