Vol 11 No 3-4 (1982)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 78 | views: 133 | pages: 59-73
    The exposure of workers to magnetic field that occur in aluminum reduction potrooms has been studied. The pattern of magnetic field intensity has been demonstrated along the shop. It has clearly been shown that the personnel working near the pots are exposed to 20-to 1000-gauss magnetic field. To set limits of exposure to magnetic fields, the literature on the biological effects of stationary magnetic fields on man and other animals has been reviewed, and it has proposed 150-gauss for head or whole body and 1500- gauss for arms and hands as exposure limits for extended periods of time. It is concluded that the possible adverse effects of magnetic field on men working in a potroom could not be excluded.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 63 | views: 131 | pages: 74-80
    Twenty Patients, a family, their neighbors, and friends; with lesions suspicious of Ringworm infection, were referred to us within a period of 80 days. The Source of infection was found to be 3 persian Cats (a mother and two kittens) living with the family. The cats had multiple lesions around their nose and on abdomen which reveales the Prevalence of cutaneous fungi both on direct microscopic examination and culture. Sixteen of the 20 pateints examined 80% were positive both in Microscopic examination and culture. The rest were negative because they have used topical and systemic antifungal drugs. Of these positives 12(75%) had Tinea corporis and 4(25%) had Tinea capitis. The ege range of the patients with Tinea corporis was 2-9 years and for those with Tinea corpois was 5- 48 years. The causative agent in this epidemic was Microsporum canis which was most probably transmitted from the cats to this family, their friends and neighbors.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 153 | views: 98 | pages: 81-92
    In epidemiological study of esophageal carcinoma which was conducted in Nov.1966 in Iran, the incidence cases in the east area of Mazandaran (Hottan-Gharagol) specifically in the Torkaman Region was noticeable. The frequency of the disease was gradually declined from east to west for instance in Gillan (Pamsar-kyasara) the incidence was low. Since 1968 a Joint-Iran (Institute of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology and Public Health University) and IARC (International Agency for Research on cancer) started and survey in the Target area of Norghern villages. One of the factors which were covered under this survey was the determination of environmental carcinogenic agents such as nitrite and nitrate which is precursor of Nitrosamine. Nitrite was determined by colorimetric standard method, and on a cadmium column. In this project 200 samples from different groups of food were determined and the result was reported as mg percent of nitrite and nitrate.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 72 | views: 151 | pages: 93-102
    Since hospitals are an important and integral part of the overall health delivery system, this study was carried out to measure the effectiveness of this institution within the system. The records of 633 hospitalized patients in the pediatrics ward of Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad during 1357 (21 March 1978-20 March 1979) has been consulted. More than half of the patients were hospitalized with the following diagnoses: Bronchopneumonia, Gastroentritis, Septicemia, and Malnutrition. Bronchopneumonia peaked in winter, whereas Gastroentritis and Malnutrition peaked in summer. Most of the hospitalized patients were male and the malnutrition was limited to the pre-school children of 1-6 years of age. The importance of these findings in development and utilization of the health delivery system has been discussed and considering the preventable nature of the above mentioned diseases, development and expansion of primary health care activities has been stressed.