Vol 15 No 1-4 (1986)


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    In the previous studies by foreign investigators on Culicinae fauna of Iran two Culiseta, Cs. Longiareolata and Cs. annulata; one Coguillettidia, Cog. richiardii, and one Uranotaenia species, Ur. unguiculata have been reported. In the comprehensive study of the Culicinae fauna of Iran, made by the School of Public Health, Teheran University, since 1980, not only all named species, except one, were recollected, but two additional species were also captured which formerly have not been known to occur in Iran. These are Cs. alaskaensis and an unnamed, new species of Coquillettidea. Coq. richiardii has not been collected in Iran since the presence of 31 species of Culicinae in Iran. Spatial distribution of each species is presented.

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    Investigation was carried out in order to determine the economic benefits from therapy of gastrointestinal helminthosis and fasciolosis in almbs of Mazandaran Province of Iran. The study included 72 Lambs and the economic benefits were measured in the basis of weight gain. The lambs were divided into a control and therapy groups. The therapy groups received antihelminthics and our lambs were evaluated over a 9 months period at 3 intervals. The results clearly showed a high rate of infestation and that effective therapy with tetramizole for gastroin intestinal helminthoses led to an average weight gain of 1.23 kg over 9 months as compared to controls. This was statistically significant at P<0.5 There was no statistical difference in weight when lambs received only antifasciola therapy.
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    An investigation was conducted to study the larvicidal activity of Teknar (San-402-I-Bacillus thuringiensis, serotype H-14, Sandoz, 600 ITU/mg) on mosquitolarvaein Kazeroun, Fars Province, southern Iran. Five experimental plots were selected randomly in a rice field and three concentrations of Teknar: .0003, .0006 and .0012 cc/1 was used. Maximum larval mortality usually occurred during the first 24 hours of exposure. Culicinae larvae were more susceptible than the anophelines. Also, the first and second instars showed greater mortality than the third and fourth instars. The percent larval vortality were 71.8 to 81.5 in anophelines and 82.1 to 100 in culicinae at.0003 cc/1, 89.4 to 100 in anophelinae and 97.2 to 100 in culicinae at.0006 cc/1and 98.4 to 98.6 in anophelinae and 100 in culicinae at.0012 cc/1 concentrations respectively. No mortality was detected in the control plots. It was concluded that.0006 and .0003 cc/1 were the concentrations of choice for the proper mosquito larval control in the area.
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    In this study, for the first time in Iran, the application and effectiveness of two educational methods of" traditional lecture" and " lecture along with filmstrip projection", on the level of personal health knowledge of students studying at third grade of girls guidance school in the 7th educational district of Tehran was compared. The "Experimental design" was chosen for conducting this research in order to have a more suitable ground for understanding causal relationships. In order to consider both, the effects of the primary measurement and also the effects of the simultaneous factors, the experimental design was applied. A control group was also included in the experiment. The results of this study showed that the "lecture along with filmstrip projection" was significantly better and more effective that "traditional lecture" method of education in increasing student's health knowledge in relation to personal health contents. It was also concluded that the "traditional lecture" method of education has had significantly more effects on increasing student's health knowledge as compared to control group (without receiving health education) in relation to personal health.

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    This guide to the identification of Iranian freshwater snails has been prepared with aim of helping individuals involved in field work, but who have had no specialized training in taxonomy to differentiate snail specimens which they collect to certain groups by means of simple identification key. The guide pays special attention to the principal snail groups which transmit human Schistosomiasis such as Bulinus; as well as to Lymnaea, transmits Facioliasis. Thus, in most cases, with the aid of this key it should be bossible to discriminate whether or not certain specimens are potential snail host of human schistosome parasites or are merely snails of no particular medical of veterinary importance. Such knowledge is, of course, necessary before under taking any rational snail control measures.
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    Onychomycosis due to the yeast and yeast-like fungi was investigated among the 147 patient who refered to the mycology laboratory of school of public Health during the period of 11 months. The isolated yeasts and yeast-like fungi were examined by API Auxanogram methed. The distribution of isolated microorganisms were C. tropicalis 10(7.4%), C.guillioimondii & (5.9%) cases and one case of each of the C.krusei, C.pseudotropicalis, C.rugosa, trichosporon cutaneum, trolopsis maris, Cryptococcus albidus and finaly 3(2.2%) cases of candida famata. High incidence of infection was in the patients with 0-15 years of age and most of them were in the groups of 0-4 years. Nail infection among the females were much more frequently than the males and predominant occupation of the women was house duties. The results which obtained from this investigation with the API Auxanogram system is quite satistactory and use of this rapid method for identification of yeasts and yeast-like fungi from the clinical materials of the patients is recommended.
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    Not beginning or completing the vaccination schedule as recommended in the Expanded Programme on Immunization is one of the major reasons for low immunization coverage. It should be studied in detail for remedial action, if the objectives of the EPI in Iran are to be achieved as stated. Generally, lack of knowledge, lack of motivation and obstacles ore the basic categorical reasons for low coverage. Studies done shows however, that lack of motivation does not seem to play an important role in Iran. Whereas, unawareness of the need for immunization and previous attack of target diseases, mainly measles, is the major components of lack of knowledge. Among obstacles, illness of the child, including afflictions to low fever, uncomplicated diarrhea, and so on, are the most frequently stated reasons for postponement of immunization. Presently, both cases are handled improperly. Diagnosis of measles is not an easy task and there are no contradictions for injecting such a child with live, attenuated measles vaccine. Moreover, fever and mild diarrhea not cause any harmful side effects. Thus the Ministry of Health and Medical Education has officially recommended insisting on immunizing such children. It is only with following such recommendations and actual expansion of the immunization delivery centers, that immunization coverage can be elevated to reach the stated objectives of EPI in Iran.
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    Anti-human globulin was produced in Iranian rabbits and goat by using human O serum mixed with Freund's adjutants (complete or incomplete) for immunizing the animals. A titer of 1.4096 was obtained in rabbit and a titer of 1.2056 was obtained in goat. Quality-and quantity-wise, goat's serum appeared to be better than rabbit's serum.