Vol 6 No 1 (1977)


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    This is a report of the first proved case of congenital toxoplasmosis in Iran in an infant who died with hypothermia and lethargia 29 days after birth. Both parents showed serological evidence of toxoplasmosis and, the finding in the mother indicated recent infection. The baby, during her short life, showed prominent neurological disorders and hepatosplenomegaly. Toxoplasms were demonstrated in ventricular fluid and brain tissue. The parasite was also isolated by mice inoculation School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research, University of Teheran, Iran H.R.H. Princess Shams Pahlavi’s Welfare Organization, Shahrazad Children's Hospital Medical Center, Teheran, Iran.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 53 | views: 57 | pages: 6-11

    There was a statistically significant difference in the number of oocysts, developed in Anopheles stephensi which had fed on mice infected with chloroquine resistant strains (NY 151./2B and. P.y. nigeriensis) and treated with 1 or 10 mg/kg chloroquine phosphate, when compared with the mosquitoes fed on saline injected control animals infected with the same lines. There was no significant difference between the oocyst counts in anophelines that fed on mice which were treated with chloroquine sensitive strains. In the first experiments on rats, with P.y. nigeriensis, greater increase has been shown in oocyst number in mosquitoes fed on dosed rats than in control. In duplicated experiments however, enhancement was approximately double. In chloroquine sensitive strain (ANKA), there was no statistically difference between the numbers, of oocyst developed in chloroquine treated and control rats.

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    Two strains of Anopheles atroparvus, one resistant and another sceptible to DDT and two of Anopheles stephensi, one resistant and one susceptible to DDT were tested for their irritability to DDT. Various laboratory investigations of the effects of insecticides on mosquito behavior and their irritability were carried out. In these series of experiments a comparison was made between the results obtained by a tentative method proposed in 1960 by the WHO, Expert Committee on Insecticides in which the mosquitoes are confined over the treated surface in a small plastic chamber and in a large cage. Under the large cage conditions DDT-resistant A. stephensi were more readily irritated by the insecticide than a susceptible strain of the same species

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 81 | views: 87 | pages: 24-29
    Prevalence of various intestinal helminthiasis has been established among the population of 42 villages in Gonbad Kavus in the north-east of the Caspian Littoral during a longitudinal health survey undertaken in this area. Stool examination by formaline ether technique been performed among 1240 randomly selected population. Surprisingly and contrary to most other areas in Iran; very low infection rate With Ascaris (0.2%), Trichostrongylus (1.2%), hookworm (2.4%) and Trichuris (0.2%) were foundt among the population. Prevalence of infection with Hymenolepis nana was rather high (overall prevalence. of 12.5%). Significant variation has only been observed in the prevalence of Hymenolepis nana in various age groups. Simultaneous infection with two or more helminths has been found in 16.5% of people and 9.6% were infected with one, worm. Infection with all helminths except Hymenolepis was very low in 20 villages where 20 or more people were examined. Strongyloides stercoralis with a maximum rate of infection of 4% was found among the population of 5 out of 20 villages. Dicrocoelium dendriticum was also found in 7 persons. Reasons for low prevalence of helminthiasis and its reverse correlation with the high incidence of 4 esophageal cancers in that area are discussed.
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    In 1969 and 1976, 237 rodents and carnivores collected from the Bandar abbas area South of Iran was examined fro Trichianella spiralis. 23% of foxes, 25% of stray dogs and all three captured golden jackals were found to be infected.