Vol 6 No 1 (1977)


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    Ascaris infestation is still prevalent in the world. In Isfahan approximately 77.7 to 90.3 percent of the population is infected. In this communication surgical complications of ascariasis in a series of 29 patients observed in Soraya Hospital of Isfahan during five year period since 1971 are reported. Intestinal obstruction was the commonest complication leading to operation (22 cases). The diagnosis was based on clinical and radiologic grounds and was confirmed at operation. In these situations enterotomy or resection of the gut was associated with high mortality. Three cases of intestinal perforation, two cases of appendicitis, one case of biliary obstruction and liver abscess and a case of acute pancreatitis due to ascariasis are also reported.
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    Previous studies on intestinal parasitic infections in different parts of Isfahan province revealed high infection rates and wide distribution of such infections in the province. To be added is the present report from Dortche-Piaz, a city with 14,000 population, where stool samples of 700 individual (1/20 of the whole population(, selected by random sampling, were collected the and examined by (1) direct saline, (2) direct iodine, (3) saturated salt concentration, and (4) hydrochloric acid – ether sedimentation method. The results indicated that the population of this city are infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, Tricuris trichiura, Trichostrongylus spp., Hymenolepis nana, Iodamoeba butschlii, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, E. coli and Endolimax nana with prevalence of %79.71, %43.86, %34.86, %5.43, %8.29, %6.43, %0.14, %29 and %11.57 respectively. These figures are comparable with other figures reported from different parts of the province, and prove, once again, that intestinal parasitic infection should still be regarded as a major public health problem of the province.
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    Television is being seen and heard increasingly in many homes. Its effects on health of youth and pollution of the mind are of considerable interest, research and concern. The review of the two most popular daily newspapers of Iran revealed alarming examples of violence in children imitating the aggressive acts of the television scene. Since children are more vulnerable than adults, parents should be informed and guided about impact of watching television on their children.
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    Among 14,102 patients admitted in teaching hospitals of the Isfahan Medical School, whose records were studied, 2,122 or 15.4% of patients had high blood pressure. The most common reason for blood pressure in this group was diseases of the kidney and for those, glomerolonephritis and pilonephrititis were important causes. Among patients under 30 years old, high blood pressure was twice as common in men as in women, but no great difference was found among patients over 30 years old. The incidence of blood pressure had a direct relation with age. Illnesses encountered among patients with high blood pressure were, Diabetes in 12.9%, Hypercholesterolemia in 8.5%, Hyperuresemy in 11.0%, heritage factors in 10.7% use of alcohol in 5.1% and smoking in 61%. These conditions are more severe among younger patients and patients with higher diastolic blood pressure.
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    During a longitudinal health survey carried out in 42 villages in Gonbad Kavus, stool examinations have been conducted among 1240 persons. Infection with Dicrocoelium dendriticum has been observed among 7 persons. Two patients were found from each of 3 villages and only one patient was found in one village. Eosinophylia with a range of 20-25% was the only clinical symptom of the disease.
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    During a six year period (1969-1974), 29,233 records of the hospital admissions were carefully reviewed from the standpoint of age, sex incidence, precipitating factors, method of treatment and results in diabetes and diabetic coma patients in the Isfahan University Medical School’s hospitals. Two hundred and fifty cases of diabetic patients were found (0.8% of the total), from which 25 (8%) were in coma upon admission. From these 250 cases, 66% had maturity onset diabetes and 34% the juvenile type of diabetes. Approximately 84% of the comatose patients were in the keto acidosis prone group with preponderance in the female, where as the other 16% of the patients were in the maturity onset type of diabetes mellitus category. The average period between the clinical onset (the signs and symptoms) and the chemical diagnosis of diabetes in this study was a 44 month interval. The mean fasting blood sugar in 78.2% of the total diabetic and 92% of the comatose diabetics was above 200 mg%. The residential location of the diabetic patients were principally (80%) in the Isfahan city area, in contrast to the diabetic coma patients who were mostly from the suburbs of Isfahan. The precipitating factors, in those comatose patients, were infection, gastroenteritis and mainly patients’ negligence to take their insulin. All of the patients in keto-acidotic coma with the exception of three, required on the average, less than 200 units of regular insulin and around 4,000 milliliters of I.V. fluids within the first 24 hours of admission to recover. The remaining three or 12% who had dehydration and irreversible electrolyte imbalance, died shortly after arrival at the hospital.