Vol 6 No 3 (1977)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 55 | views: 95 | pages: 97-120
    Particulate matters commonly found dispersed in the atmosphere are composed of a large variety of substances. Dustfall is the usual index of particles in the size range greater than 10 M. Two Semi automated SO2 sampling units were installed in Tehran university campus (from 21 January 1973 to 22 Dec. 1974) and Gheitarieh area (from 23 August to 23 Oct. 1974) Hydrogen Peroxide method was used for analytical procedure, and arithmetic mean was calculated as monthly average indicator. The results showed the yearly arithmetic averages of SO2 in university campus, and Three months arithmetic averages of Gheitarieh area were 716.854 and 77.72 /g/m3 that means 13.7 and 1.48 fold greater than the maximum allowable concentration of U.S. 1971 standard respectively.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 59 | views: 208 | pages: 121-134

    Pregnancy, labor and delivery are known to be associated with higher rate of fetal and neonatal complications in old primigravidas. In a period of 5 rears (2531 - 36) there were 30000 deliveries at Amin hospital, among them, there are records of 355 deliveries in primigravidas over 35 years of age who are included in this retrospective study. Comparison with the same number of primigravidas under 30 years of age (a random selection, control group) indicate a much higher rate of fetal and neonate mortality as well as other minor and major complications id older group. Incidence of breech presentation and twins was high, duration of pregnancy, first and second stage of labor also was longer, but the third state was not significantly different from control group. Spontaneous delivery occurred in fewer cases, instead operative deliveries including forceps and vacuum deliveries were more frequent and the rate of cesarean-section was high (19.4% comparing with 5.5% in control group). Toxemia of pregnancy, hyper tension, ante partum and postpartum, hemorrhage, fetal and neonatal mortality showed an increased' frequency in the studied group butt distribution of congenital malformations were found to be equal except that a case of Down syndrome was recorded in the studied group.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 141 | views: 93 | pages: 135-149
    The result of the 6 years study of patients with Hydatiform Mole (HM) and its malignant degeneration in Isfahan are presented. The over all frequency is estimated to be one HM in 440 child births. This frequency has remained relatively unchanged through out the study. Increased consumption of meet did not seem to lower the frequency of Hydatiform mole in our study. The over all frequency of malignant degeneration was 13.15 percent. The study was divided in two periods of three years. The frequency of malignant trophoblastic disease was compared in these two periods. In the group of patients who referred with HM and were treated in our institution, it was found that the frequency of malignancy was considerably lower during the second three years period (4.27% compared to 27.39%). In contrary the frequency of patients who had their HM treated outside and referred to us with trophoblastic malignancies remained unchanged (7.5% and 5.6%). It is suggested that this improvement is due to earlier diagnosis, and aggressive treatment of Hydatiform mole and also due to more adequate follow up.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 49 | views: 72 | pages: 150-155
    A prospective study of 550 consecutive mothers delivered in Amin Ob. Gyn center of Isfahan University was performed to determine the relationships between maternal anemia, placental weight and neonatal birth weight. The important findings were marked placental hypertrophy in anemic mothers. (r= -/9.95) .It is probable that in anemic mothers placental hypertrophy is a compensatory mechanism responsible for an increase in fetal oxygen-uptake.