Vol 7 No 3 (1978)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 105 | views: 105 | pages: 116-119
    Myiasis caused by the larvae of C.bezziana has been reported in man, cattle, cats, water buffalo, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, dogs, camels and elephants from Asia and Africa. Although human infestation o with this parasite is commonly found in cattle-raising areas, cases of urogenital Myiasis are rarely reported. This is the first cases report of urogenital infestation with the larvae of C. bezziana in Iran
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 88 | views: 162 | pages: 120-126
    The data for this study has been collected from a questionnaire examining the relationship between birth weight of the new born and some physical and socio-economic characteristics of the mother. Between Dec.1975 to Jan.1976, 1553 women who had referred to two hospitals in Tehran for labor: 981 to Farah Maternity and 572 to Firoozgar Hospital have been interviewed. The results of the study have indicated that women who had referred to Firoozgar Hospital, were older, more literate, had higher per capita income, used more contraceptives and had fewer pregnancies, all these figures are statistically significant. Regression analysis indicates that factors such as age of the mother, literacy, household income, husband's job position are not significant towards increase of abortion rate amongst these women, but when these factors are fixed and place of reference is analyzed this variable becomes significant, increase of abortion, which have not been considered in this study. Parity regardless of the above factors increases abortion rate and for each increase in the number of pregnancy, mean number of abortion is increased by 0.09.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 128 | views: 115 | pages: 130-138
    Epidemiological features of soil transmitted helminthes were studied in six villages in Isfahan area. The mean overall prevalence of ascariasis and trichostrongyliasis were 91.5% and 70.9% respectively with higher infection rate among females. Mean prevalence of Trichuris and Hymenolepis nana were 73.8% and 5.4% respectively. Prevalences of Ascaris and Trichuris did not fluctuate very much in various ages but for Trichostrongylus, infected was lower in 0-4 age group and H.nana was mostly found in lower age groups. In some villages 100% of both sexes were infected with one or more helminth parasites, and overall prevalence of infection was 97.3%. In all villages, it was found that a small proportion of inhabitants (12.5%) excrete a large proportion (43.3%) of total eggs of Ascaris. Prevalence and intensity of ascariasis established four years after therapy have shown that the group of population who had the highest prevalence before therapy, had the highest prevalence and intensity. The high proportion of infected cases with Ascaris had less than 25000 eggs/gr of faeces and less than 50 worms. Results of this study indicate once again the importance of intestinal helminthiasis in Isfahan and also the possibility of reducing the transmission force by regular mass-chemotherapy of a small proportion of the inhabitants. More than 100 persons from each village who were infected with Ascaris and some infected with other helminthes simultaneously, were treated a few days after examination, using pyrantel pamoate with a single dose of 10 mg/kg. body weight. Tablets given to adults and suspension for children were taken in the presence of authors. A saline purge has also been administered to the patients treated who had constipation. A plastic pan containing 10% formaline solution and labeled with the name of the patient was also given to each patient after the drug was taken, in which all stools passed, up to 48 hours after treatment, were collected and all worms expelled during this period were removed and identified. Treated cases were re-examined 2-3 weeks after the treatment and the cure rate established.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 191 | pages: 139-144
    This investigation was performed on 1056 stool samples collected from Isfahan area (with high intensity of infection) and Dasht-Mishan area of Khuzestan. As indicated in Tables 1, 2 and 3 the results of Kato thick-smear technique is comparable to those conventional methods of Formalin-ether and Flotation methods, plus low cost, simplicity and practicability of Kato's thick-smear. For Ascaris eggs the Kato method is ideal for epidemiological studies: For Hookworm and Trichostrongylus infections, Kato method was less sensitive but still it was at an acceptable level for epidemiological surveys. Also, Kato technique was more sensitive in areas where the intensity of infection is high. The conclusion is that the Kato Thick-Smear technique is cheap, fast, convenient and ideal for mass-diagnosis in epidemiological surveys of intestinal helminthiasis.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 58 | views: 116 | pages: 145-152
    A small clinical and serological survey to determine the prevalence and severity of trachoma was conducted in 11 Iranian villages located in the Dezful and Kazerun Areas. No evidence of severe active disease or severe squeal was found among the 389 individuals examined. Seventy-seven per cent of those examined were more than 12 years of age. The prevalence of active trachoma by clinical examination was 31% (120/389) for all subjects examined. Normal eyes were observed in 40% (156/389). The occurrence of antibody to Chlamydia in eye secretions tested by immunofluorescence was infrequent. Only 6% (9/146) were positive and only 8% (5/61) were from active trachoma cases. These findings suggest that severe trachoma cases. These findings suggest that severe trachoma is rare in the population which was studied.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 74 | views: 168 | pages: 153-163
    The study of cognition and attitudes toward family life and sex, particularly among the young population, is one of the important areas of health behavior. This study attempts to find the degree of knowledge and attitudes of the female students of Teheran University. The findings reveal that although the girls under the study expressed some attitudes towards family life not common in the traditional cultural patterns of Iranian society, such as selecting their own future husband, and prefer to have a boyfriend before marriage. However, they lacked the basic information on the subject of human reproductive system, family planning and venereal disease. The findings on the desired number of children by the study group indicate that family planning education has not reached this target population and /or has had no affect on their attitudes. On the basis of the findings of this and other studies and the available literatures, a family life and sex education programme at high school level should be included in the high school curriculum in Iranian system of education.