Vol 8 No 1 (1979)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 51 | views: 75 | pages: 1-22
    Iron deficiency anemia is one of the nutritional problems of the low income, undernourished populations of the world. In Iran, many rural and low socioeconomic urban groups suffer from iron deficiency anemia because of a low iron intake and the low level of public health. To overcome and to prevent iron deficiency, a program was suggested to enrich the bread with iron, calcium and some of the B vitamins. A study was undertaken to test the efficacy of such a program. Fifty families in the 13th District of Tehran Were contacted. All members of each household were considered as the subjects of the study. As participants, they received free bread in exchange I for samples of blood. Enriched bread was baked by one bakery located on the same street as eighteen of the families. Regular bread was baked by another bakery near ten families. At the beginning and after the termination of the program, blood samples were secured from individual members of the families. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum protein .fractions were determined. During the two months.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 89 | views: 94 | pages: 23-30
    Nineteen lymph node biopsies, 3 curetting, 15 blood samples obtained from patients with lymphadenitis and high titers of Toxoplasma antibodies, and 27 tonsillar tissues removed from patients because of chronic tonsillitis were inoculated intraperitoneally into mice for isolation of toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasms were isolated from 5 lymph node biopsies, one curettage material, 2 tonsillar tissues and none of the blood samples.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 58 | views: 65 | pages: 31-36
    This paper deals with the use of transferring (Tf) system in legal medicine and forensic serology. Biased upon the clear for mal genetics and excellent typing of Tf phenotypes, in case of rare Tf variants, favorable results are obtained in disputed paternity. In the present case of disputed paternity, the child and the father exhibits B2 C type while the mother shows the type CC. But the father objects to be the biological father of the child. Legally speaking, the child inherits the B2 band from the father. Since the B2 gene frequency is shown to be very .rare the possibility of having another person with a similar type, who could be assumed as a biological father I is very uncommon and unbelievable. Finally, because of the high frequency of homozygote Tf CC the use of Tf system in disputed Paternity is not always that successful, but if a variant, as found in the present case, is detected than the Tf system is more reliable interesting and useful.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 68 | views: 141 | pages: 37-46
    Investigations have been carried out on the indoor air pollution in .different workshops of food processing plants in Iran. In order to evaluate the exposure of workers to the three most commonly used indices of air pollution ten food processing plants representing ten groups of food industry with 2.816 workers were selected. Air borne contamination of different origins such cotton seed. Barley, wheat flour salt and different spices sugar an1 beans dust were measured in 237, work places. Here contamination was 8-9 times higher than the proposed T.L. V. for in.3rt dust in 12% of sampling sites Carbon monoxide, measured in 94 sampling site in 69 different work places, which was higher than 50 P .P.M1. in 13% of samples and sulfur-bearing air pollutants determined in 87 different workshop where 103 samples were collected showed the existence of oxides of' sulfur in 34 samples in six industries. The results are presented and the reasons of the existence of these air pollutants are discussed.