Vol 8 No 1 (1979)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 50 | views: 103 | pages: 1-20
    To study the changes of serum uric acid level which is influenced by various factors including nutrition, race, socio-economic conditions age, sex, obesity and hyper lipidemia, a wide variety of survey appeared to be performed. For this study in six large provinces of Iran out of 12,524 apparently healthy individuals a total of 2,744 persons of both sexes (1,439 females, 1,305 males) were selected randomly for determination of serum uric acid. Both sexes were regarded into five age groups. The present study showed the following results: 1) Mean value of serum uric acid was significantly higher in males than in females. 2) There was a close correlation between serum uric acid and age especially in females and got rise in obsess person of both sexes. 3) Serum uric acid level was the same in females of A, B and O groups, but we found higher values in AB ones. Males of A groups had lover concentration of uric acid than O, B and AB individuals. Generally speaking, according to the present study the mean value of serum uric acid in six parts of Iran is lower than that in the other parts of the world.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 103 | views: 111 | pages: 21-26
    The identification of different species of Simuliidae, also called “black fly”, is based on particular structure of oral and terminal appendages of their larvae add also on the special morphology of adults and pupaes. Because of their considerable flight range, the problem of finding their resting places, and also the difficulties of collecting the adult flies, breeding of this insect, in the laboratory, is particularly important for species identification in each area for this purpose, eggs larvae and pupae were obtained in some rivers and streams around Tehran and were transported to the laboratory. By producing air movement with a pump passing through the glass bottle containing the eggs. Larvae and pupae brought from the rivet and kept in the same river water with its content, we were able to produce large number of adult black flies and so, we determined species of black flies in different streams and rivers the list of which is given in the paper.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 50 | views: 102 | pages: 27-40
    The purpose of this study which has been conducted among 1864 heads of Turkmans households or their wives in the north-east of Iran in 1979 was to rind the type and frequency of health practices in a traditional society, and the relation between these practices and variables such as age sex, literacy use of mass media and spatial mobility. As the pilot study uncovered the scarcity of health installations such as hot bath, water supply, clinic, and hospital in the study area, therefore, two most common health practices-i.e. to take a bath and brush teeth-were studied in relation with aforementioned variables. Finding revealed that: 1 - Elders take more a bath and youths brush more their teeth, and in both groups males are at higher level than females. However, females brush their teeth more regular than males. 2- Both practices are being more performed by literates than illiterates. 3- Turkmans are in 1general fatalistic people. In this regard those who are more fatalistic usually take a bath once a year while in contrast less fatalistic individuals take it once a week. 4- In spite of very low level of health awareness among Turkmans, pains such as, headache and/or bellyache (pain in the stomach) is a kind of illness from their point of view. However, such recognition did not affect their health practices. 5- Those who had some knowledge of pathogens (microbes), or supposed the fly is a diffuse of illness, were more concerned about their hygiene and took more care of it. 6- Use of mass media (radio) was effective in introducing health practices among Turkmans. Radio listeners took a bath or brushed their teeth more regular than non-listeners.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 193 | views: 97 | pages: 41-48
    After mentioning the main differences between malaria control and malaria eradication, it is suggested that all anti–malaria activities in Iran should be renamed as malaria control. Applied research in malaria is identified into four categories covering the following subjects. 1- Malaria parasites and anti-malaria drugs. 2- Malaria vectors. 3- Malaria in the community. 4- Use of epidemiological techniques in malaria field research. Various research programs that at present could or should be carried out in each category have been discussed in the text.