Vol 8 No 3 (1979)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 59 | views: 92 | pages: 101-108
    In this study which was carried out in 1974 in the province of Isphahan a total of 23,273 individuals in the cities, and 18,671 individuals in the villages of the same area were studied. Results show that the median age in rural area is 16 and in urban area is 18 years. The birth rate in rural is 27.7 per thousand were as the same rate in urban area is 40.2 per thousand. Similarly the general fertility rate is 141.8 per thousand in rural and 232.5 per thousand in urban. The mean birth/pregnancy index for women in their fertile period is 8.2 in rural and 9.5 in urban area.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 182 | views: 77 | pages: 109-124
    Genetic studies were carried out on a total of 196 psychiatric patients, hospitalized in Sorkhe Hesar, Roozbeh, Cherazi and Chaharom Aban hospitals. Out of all the patients studied, 74 were Schizophrenic, 30 Manic-Depressive, 47 Depressive (Neurotic), 12, Hysteric, 9 Epileptic and the remainder had different psychiatric diseases and conditions such as: anxiety and Phobia, scrupulousness mental retardation, sexual deviations, personality disorders and addiction. The schizophrenic group of patients had a strikingly heptomorphic physical constitution.
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    To know the water quality characteristics of Tehran subterranean canals, from 20 Feb. 1978 to 23 Sept. 1978, samples were taken from 23 of them by simple random sampling without replacement, and were analyzed according to the 14th edition of Standards Method for the Examination of Water and Waste Water 1975. Arithmetic average concentration of water analyses of 23 subterranean canals were drawn on a logarithmic chart. The results of the analyses of samples showed that the quality of water from those subterranean canals should be categorized in Sulfated Classic Group.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 55 | views: 158 | pages: 145-156
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible affect of socio-economic class on the degree of acceptability and consumption of milk in children. This study was conducted on 9204 children who were chosen from two different socio-economic classes: high (groul1 1) and low (group. 2) in Tehran. Samples were aged betweea1 five to eighteen years, and divided into six age categories. The results are: The children in group used to drink milk 2-3, times more than the children in group at home. The amount of milk which was consumed by group 1 was more than group 2 (1 medium- 8 oz-glass versus 1 small- 4 oz - glass). On the other hand, group 1 consumed higher portion of the milk which was distributed at school (in. comparison to group 2). Some children refused to drink school milk. Most important reason behind refusal of school milk among group 1 seemed to be the taste of school milk, but .in group 2 this seemed to be the dislike of milk in general. Satiety which was one of the relatively important reasons for refusal of milk in group 1, was not1so, important in group 2. Clinical symptoms caused by drinking milk in group were the relatively important reason to refuse school milk, but in group 1 this was not as important. Same relation r was noticed; with respect to the students who saved the milk and: took it home after the school.