Vol 8 No 4 (1979)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 41 | views: 71 | pages: 161-170
    In 1979, a Community Health Survey for the purpose of establishing population babe. Services were conducted in the villages of region of ISFAHAN with a population of about 10,000. The target group involved males and females with in the age group of more than one year old. The population under study, 617 males and 565 females who were selected by household random sampling, where examined for the level of hemoglobin and percentage of hematocrit in their blood stream. The mean hemoglobin score was 14.29 gr/100 ml. for males, with a standard deviation of 1.83. For females the mean hemoglobin score was 13.29, with a standard deviation of 1.55. Also the mean score of hematocrit was 41.49 for males and 39.67 for females with standard deviation scores of 5.86 and 5.45 respectively. The “sex” factor was related to both parameters, i.e. the level of hemoglobin and percentage of hematocrit in the blood stream. A statistically significant difference between the two means was shown by test. According to WHO's (1968) definiti9n anemia, exists when level of hemoglobin in adult males and non-pregnant female and children age 6-14 is lower than 13gr/100 ml. and 12/100 ml. and 12/100 ml, respectively. Based upon this standard, 10.16% of adult males (47 cases) and 12.5% of adult non-pregnant females (73 cases) and 11.85% of children 5-14 age group (37 cases) were considered anemic in this study.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 55 | views: 102 | pages: 171-182
    The iodine content of the drinking water and its association with endemic goiter was investigated in the areas of Mobarakeh, and Najafabad, which are located in the Province of Isfahan. The school children between 6 and 18 years of age were examined to determine the prevalence of enlargement of the thyroid gland. Thirty percent of the total.24.576 children in that age group were clinically examined using the method recommended by Preez, of W.H.O. The rate of the prevalence of goiter was found to be 6.03% in Mobarakeh and 11.1% in Najafabad. In general, the indicated levels of thyroid; enlargement was higher among children, from Najafabad than those from Mobarakeh. Also, enlargement of the thyroid was hiKlter.amon2 girls than boys. The Iodine content of the water in Najafabad was found to be lower while its Calcium and Magnesium content was shown to be significantly higher. It h8$ been1postulated that abundance of Ca and Mg minerals in the drinking water has contributed to the disturbance I of Iodine intake which resulted in the prevalence of endemic goiter in this area.
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    One hundred and fifteen prescriptions which were purposely written in toxic and potentially fatal dose of different medicine (mainly digitoxin) were sent to pharmacies throughout Iran. All pharmacies filled up the prescription and only one pharmacist made notice of dangerous dose. The pharmacist in the drugstores in Iran is forcefully employed by the owner of the pharmacy which is required by law they do not exert any scientific or intellectual activity in the stores. Pharmaceutical industry in Iran is dependent to western corporate and 90% of 2 billion Rials spent every year for drugs is spent for importation of drugs. It is suggested that pharmaceutical industry should be nationalized in Iran, to put the pharmacist in proper scientific position rather than a simple sales man and lead the way for the development of National Pharmaceutical Industry.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 62 | views: 137 | pages: 189-198
    In this study which was carried out in 1974 in Isphahan, 3,000 married women between the ages of 15 to 44 who were the residents of the city of Isphahan and a similar group of women who were residents of the villages surrounding the city were interviewed. Results indicate that the average and the median of age at the first marriage had been increasing steadily since 1959 for the city women and since 1969 for the women in the villages. However, the average age at the first marriage has always been higher for the city women and for the five years period from 1969 to 1974 have reached to 15 months.