Vol 41 No 6 (2012)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 123 | views: 170 | pages: 1-11

    This paper discusses central-local relations for healthcare policy in China from a principal-agent perspective, based on schistosomiasis control. In order to control the disease, the central government produced the Outline of the Mid-Long-Term National Plan for Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control (2004-2015) in 2004. By discussing the implementation of the National Outline at the provincial level, the author uses principal-agent theory to examine conflict and coordination between the central and provincial governments. The documents were collected from the Internet. Although the central and provincial governments all want to eliminate schistosomiasis, allocating funding among them creates conflict and forms an obstacle to achieving the goal.  This paper extensively discusses the topics related to central-provincial relation and schistosomiasis control program. Further case study on a single province may be needed to intensify the discussion from a micro perspective. The conflict between central and provincial relations needs to be resolved in order to implement the national policy.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 330 | views: 249 | pages: 12-20

    The huge earthquake in 11 March 2012 which followed by a destructive tsunami in Japan was largest recorded earthquake in the history. Japan is pioneer in disaster management, especially earthquakes. How this developed country faced this disaster, which had significant worldwide effects? The humanitarian behavior of the Japanese people amazingly wondered the word's media, meanwhile the management of government and authorities showed some deficiencies. The impact of the disaster is followed up after the event and the different impacts are tried to be analyzed in different sectors. The situation one year after Japan 2011 earthquake and Tsunami is overviewed. The reason of Japanese plans failure was the scale of tsunami, having higher waves than what was assumed, especially in the design of the Nuclear Power Plant. Japanese authorities considered economic benefits more than safety and moral factors exacerbate the situation. Major lessons to be learnt are 1) the effectiveness of disaster management should be restudied in all hazardous countries; 2) the importance of the high-Tech early-warning systems in reducing risk; 3) Reconsidering of extreme values expected/possible hazard and risk levels is necessary; 4) Morality and might be taken as an important factor in disaster management; 5) Sustainable development should be taken as the basis for reconstruction after disaster.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 124 | views: 153 | pages: 21-26

    Background: Biocides for prolonging the shelf life of a large variety of materials have been extensively used over the last decades. It has estimated that the worldwide biocide consumption to be about 12.4 billion dollars in 2011, and is expected to increase in 2012. As biocides are substances we get in contact with in our everyday lives, access to this type of information is of paramount importance in order to ensure an appropriate living environment. Consequently, a database where information may be quickly processed, sorted, and easily accessed, according to different search criteria, is the most desirable solution. The main aim of this work was to design and implement a relational database with complete information about biocides used in public health management to improve the quality of life.
    Methods: Design and implementation of a relational database for biocides, by using the software "phpMyAdmin".
    Results: A database, which allows for an efficient collection, storage, and management of information including chemical properties and applications of a large quantity of biocides, as well as its adequate dissemination into the public health environment.
    Conclusion: The information contained in the database herein presented promotes an adequate use of biocides, by means of information technologies, which in consequence may help achieve important improvement in our quality of life.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 282 | views: 400 | pages: 27-38

    Background: Developing cities like Khulna, the third largest metropolitan city in Bangladesh, have now begun to confess the environmental and public health risks associated with uncontrolled dumping of solid wastes mainly due to the active participation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) in municipal solid waste (MSW) management.
    Methods: A survey was conducted to observe the present scenarios of secondary disposal site (SDS), ultimate disposal site (UDS), composting plants, medical wastes management and NGOs and CBOs MSW management activities.
    Results: A total of 22 NGOs and CBOs are involved in MSW management in 31 wards of Khulna City Corporation. About 9 to 12% of total generated wastes are collected by door-to-door collection system provided by mainly NGOs and CBOs using 71 non-motorized rickshaw vans. A major portion of collected wastes is disposed to the nearest SDS by these organizations and then transferred to UDS or to private low-lying lands from there by the city authority. A small portion of organic wastes is going to the composting plants of NGOs.
    Conclusion: The participation of NGOs and CBOs has improved the overall MSW management system, especially waste collection process from sources and able to motivate the residents to store the waste properly and to keep clean the premises.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 331 | views: 605 | pages: 39-49

    Background: Almost one third of the global population is living in developing South Asia where disease occurrence is high especially in rural areas and people are unaware of water-borne diseases and cost of illness.
    Methods: The quantitative approach involved questionnaire based study (n=50 households). The community awareness, the occurrence of water-borne diseases with related cost of illness and community participation for the introduction of health interventions for water-borne diseases were evaluated through cross-tabulations, correlations, and ANOVA.
    Results: Majority (40%) of the community had no knowledge of water-borne diseases except some had little knowledge of diarrhea and typhoid.  Diarrhea followed by stomach diseases was widespread in the community. Population below poverty level was bearing the cost of illness around US$ 0.6-1.2 (Rs 50-100) per day followed by low and average income level with direct cost of US$ 2.3 (Rs 200) per day. The indirect cost of illness had showed increasing trend between US$ 2.3-4.7 (Rs 200-400) per day with increase in income levels. Maximum willingness to pay (WTP) for water supply and sewerage system was US$ 3.6 (Rs 300) and US$ 1.2 (Rs 100) per month respectively. Income and water supply demand was strongly correlated with acceptability to pay for the facilities (r = 0.319, 0.307; P< 0.05). Income had a strong influence on WTP for water and sewerage system (r = 0.805, 0.797; P< 0.05).
    Conclusion: To maintain rural health, water-borne diseases can be reduced by introducing health interventions like proper water and sanitation facilities.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 106 | views: 216 | pages: 50-57

    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine whether the frequency of breakfast eating was related with overweight/obesity in Korean adolescents.
    Method: We analyzed the data collected in the 5th KYRBWS, in which 72,399 adolescents participated in 2009. We assessed the association between frequency of breakfast eating and body mass index by using multivariate logistic regression analysis.
    Results: A total of 20,962(54.9%) boys and 18,479(54.0%) girls skipped breakfast 7 days(all days) per week at baseline. For boys, the odds ratios(ORs) between being overweight and frequency of breakfast eating were 1.040 for 3-5 times per week, 1.092 for 1-2 time(s) per week, 1.059 for no breakfast per week, compared to 6-7 times per week(p>0.05). The ORs between being obese and frequency of breakfast eating were 1.011 for 3-5 times per week, 0.968 for 1-2 time(s) per week, and 0.932 for no breakfast per week, compared to 6-7 times per week(p>0.05). For girls, the ORs between being overweight and frequency of breakfast eating were 0.990 for 3-5 times per week, 0.992 for 1-2 time(s) per week, 1.019 for no breakfast per week, compared to 6-7 times per week(p>0.05). The ORs between being obese and frequency of breakfast eating were 1.075 for 3-5 times per week, 0.946 for 1-2 time(s) per week, and 0.941 for no breakfast per week, compared to 6-7 times per week(p>0.05).
    Conclusion: The frequency of breakfast eating has no correlation with overweight/obesity in Korean adolescents.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 154 | pages: 58-64

    Background: The two most frequently diagnosed cancers among women worldwide are breast and cervical cancers. The objective of the present study was to classify the different countries based on the death rates from sex specific cancers.
    Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we used dataset regarding death rate from breast, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers in 190 countries worldwide reported by World Health Organization. Normal mixture models were fitted with different numbers of components to these data. The model's parameters estimated using the EM algorithm. Then, appropriate number of components was determined and was selected the best-fit model using the BIC criteria. Next, model-based clustering was used to allocate the world countries into different clusters based on the distribution of women's cancers. The MIXMOD program using MATLAB software was used for data analysis.
    Results: The best model selected with four components. Then, countries were allocated into four clusters including 43 (23%) in the first cluster, 28 (14%) in the second cluster, 75 (39%) in the third cluster, and 44 (24%) in the fourth cluster. Most countries in South America were to the first cluster. In addition, most countries in Africa, Central, and Southeast Asia were located to the third cluster. Furthermore, the fourth cluster consisted of Pacific continent, North America and European countries.
    Conclusion: Considering the benefits of clustering based on normal mixture models, it seems that can be applied this method in wide variety of medical and public heath contexts.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 152 | pages: 65-71

    Background: Protozoa related to Trypanosome family including Leishmania, synthesize enzymes to escape from drug therapy. One of them is PTR1 that its enzymatic activity is similar to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Dihydrofolate reductase - thymidylate synthase has a major role in DNA synthesis, if it is inhibited, the result would be the death of parasite. Since PTR1 activity is similar to DHFR, causes the decrease of inhibition effect of drug. The aim of this study was inhibition of Iranian L. major PTR1 expression with mRNA antisense in prokaryotic system as an approach to appear of the drugs therapeutic effects more.
    Methods: PTR1 gene  was ligated to pACYCDuet-1 and pcDNA3 plasmids as sense and antisense plasmids, respectively. Simultaneously transfer of sense and antisense plasmids was done in E. coli strain M15. SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis were carried out to analyze the expression.
    Results: Sense and antisense plasmids were prepared and confirmed by restriction analysis and PCR then simultaneously transfer of them was done. SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis showed PTR1 gene was inhibited by mRNA antisense in bacterial cells.
    Conclusion: Expression of PTR1 gene in sense plasmid was inhibited successfully by antisense plasmid.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 163 | views: 230 | pages: 72-79

    Background: The effect of curcumin as a natural safe compound with different biological activities was examined on fungal growth and aflatoxin production in Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999.
    Methods: The fungus was cultured in presence of serial two-fold concentrations of curcumin (125-2000 µg/ml) in yeast extract sucrose broth for 3 days at 28°C. Mycelia dry weight was determined as an index of fungal growth, while aflatoxin production was assessed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The expression of ver-1, nor-1, pksA, omtA and aflR genes in aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway was evaluated by real time PCR.
    Results: Curcumin strongly inhibited aflatoxin B1 production in the range of 26.6 to 94.9% by serial two-fold concentrations from 125 to 2000 µg/ml. Fungal growth was also inhibited by the compound in the range of 34.0 to 60.8%. Analysis of the expression of aflatoxin pathway genes by real time PCR showed that curcumin inhibited the expression of ver-1, nor-1, pksA, omtA and aflR genes at concentrations of 250 and 1000 µg/ml. In concentration of 1000 µg/ml, gene expression was reduced by 31.3%, 44.6%, 57.1% 110.9% and 286.7% accordingly. Reduction in the expression of aflatoxin biosynthesis genes was significant only for aflR. In ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) assay, curcumin showed strong antioxidant activity at all concentrations tested.
    Conclusion: Curcumin may be employed successfully as a good candidate in controlling of toxigenic fungal growth on food and feed and subsequent contamination with aflatoxins in practice.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 101 | views: 146 | pages: 80-85

    Background: There are thirteen WHO collaborating centres in Iran which no mechanism or model has ever been foreseen for the evaluation of them. This original research is innovative in Iran, which has been offered by the researcher through a joint research project with WHO.
    Methods: The aforesaid model has been approved by the International Relation Department of Ministry of Health& education. This was done to develop model and indicators for evaluation of WHOCC's activities in Iran, which includes online survey, reports, literature reviews and website searches, published literature in another country, documents in Undersecretary for Research and Technology of Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
    Results: We studied collaboration centres in other countries and then compared these indicators together and presented a proper indicators for evaluation of WHOCC' activities in Iran.
    Conclusion: Evaluation of WHOCC's activities could be used as a mean for implementing policies and promoting knowledge production. Evaluation of WHOCC' activities is country's requirements.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 193 | views: 260 | pages: 86-92

    Background: The purpose of this investigation was to compare empirically predictive ability of an artificial neu­ral network with a logistic regression in prediction of low back pain.
    Methods: Data from the second national health survey were considered in this investigation. This data in­cludes the information of low back pain and its associated risk factors among Iranian people aged 15 years and older. Artificial neural network and logistic regression models were developed using a set of 17294 data and they were validated in a test set of 17295 data. Hosmer and Lemeshow recommendation for model selec­tion was used in fitting the logistic regression. A three-layer perceptron with 9 inputs, 3 hidden and 1 out­put neurons was employed. The efficiency of two models was compared by receiver operating characteris­tic analysis, root mean square and -2 Loglikelihood criteria.
    Results: The area under the ROC curve (SE), root mean square and -2Loglikelihood of the logistic regres­sion was 0.752 (0.004), 0.3832 and 14769.2, respectively. The area under the ROC curve (SE), root mean square and -2Loglikelihood of the artificial neural network was 0.754 (0.004), 0.3770 and 14757.6, respec­tively.
    Conclusions: Based on these three criteria, artificial neural network would give better performance than logis­tic regression. Although, the difference is statistically significant, it does not seem to be clinically signifi­cant.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 101 | views: 140 | pages: 93-96

    Background: Trichophyton verrucosum is a zoophilic fungus with a worldwide distribution. Our aim was to investigate the proliferative effect of antigenic compounds of T. verrucosum on dermis fibro blasts and endothelial cells.
    Methods: T. verrucosum was cultured in SCC medium and was then transferred to a broth medium. Surface antigens of this fungus were separated using the freeze and thaw method. The sample was centrifuged and the supernatant was taken. The supernatant was homogenized and purified. The prepared antigenic extract was added to fibro blast cell lines according to a regular timetable. Cytotoxicity and cell proliferation were evaluated using zymography and densitometry in order to assay MMPs activity.
    Results: Statistical analyses showed that this antigenic extract is able to enhance the MMPs activity
    Conclusion: Trichophyton verrucosum increases the proliferation of dermis germinal layer and MMP-2 activity, which has a direct relation with wound healing process.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 143 | views: 171 | pages: 97-102

    Background: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between health Related quality of life (HRQOL), motor ability and weight status in children.
    Methods: Two hundred forty children ages 9-11 yr who were selected via multi stage cluster sampling design from primary schools in the Shahre Qods at Tehran, Iran in 2007. HRQOL was assessed by the pediatric quality of life inventory (PedsQL). Motor abilities were determined by a Basic Motor Ability Test (BMAT). Body mass index was calculated to determine weight status.
    Results: Psychosocial, physical, and total health related qualities of life (all P< 0.05) were significantly lowered for obese when compared to normal weight participants. In contrast, the mean scores for each HRQOL domain in motor ability category were not significant. No significant interaction was apparent when examining HRQOL scores, BMAT variables and weight status.
    Conclusion: Regardless of motor ability levels, reducing body weight among children is a potential avenue for promoting improved HRQOL. Over weight boys reported significantly worse school performance than over weight girls, suggesting the importance in considering such dimensions in programs aimed at further understanding obesity in children.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 149 | views: 140 | pages: 103-104
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 95 | views: 146 | pages: 105-