Vol 4 No 2 (1975)


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    Studies undertaken during the last 5 years in the Babol Research Station of the Institute of Public Health Research, Teheran University, with the collaboration of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in the Caspian Littoral and Ardabil area in the north of Iran has indicated the presence of cancer in 48 different sites. The five more prevalent types of cancer found in that area in order of their incidence are esophageal, stomach, skin, lung and liver cancers. Except for cancer of esophagus which occurs with a very high variation in incidence in the area, the incidence of other 4 does not significantly differ in various parts of the region. The incidence of esophageal cancer is maximum in the east and southeast of the area and it gradually decreases towards the reaching its minimum level in Gilan and increasing again to the west in Ardabil area. The incidence is higher among males in the low incidence, almost equal in the high incidence area except in Gombad area where is much higher among females than in males. The total number of cancer of soesophagus registered during the 5 years period is 1420 which constitute 1/10 of all cases reported. Of other types of cancer registered, cancers of skin, cervix uteri and lymphoma, mostly lymphosarcoma are more prevalent. Of the cancers of digestive tube, oesophageal is more prevalent in the east and stomach cancer in the west of the area.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of different types of skin diseases among 657 children who were seen during one year period (Oct. 1971-Setp. 1972) at the skin clinics of the Isfahan University hospital. The incidence of different types of skin disease was compared with those of the adults. In general this study shows that in Isfahan area the incidence of skin infection among children were relatively higher than other skin disorder. Since the incidence of skin infections can be assumed to reflect the general health situation of the community, the improvement of socio-economic, environmental situation as well as the provision of medical care in the community could lead towards the reduction of the occurrence of skin infection.

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    There have been no statistical findings published on normal levels for glucose, urea, uric acid, and cholesterol in Iran. This is an attempt as a pilot project, to look into the matter. For this purpose one thousand healthy individuals consisting of 333 Females and 667 males of mixed age group were tested by an automated method (Technicon SMA), and a manual method (Bio Medic diagnostic kits) for the above mentioned parameters. Normal range (two standard deviations) was calculated for each parameter. A comparison of calculated normal value with statistical findings (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) show the same ranges for glucose, urea, and cholesterol. For uric acid our calculated normal range in males and females was from 18.6% to 44.44% higher than other statistical findings for the same parameter with higher values in males than females. This could be due to several factors such as diet, race and elevation in Tehran area where the survey was conducted, High elevation would result higher hemoglobin and RBC which causes higher turnover of RBCs which in turn liberates more purin compounds and finally uric acid as a purin metabolite. It would be desirable to conduct similar statistical work-up in different parts of Iran with lower and higher elevation to further evaluate this point. It would also be desirable to conduct a more detail study on different age and sex groups to classify the normal range for cholesterol according to age and sex.

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    Toward March 1970 up to May 1972 it was monthly measured the Radium quantity, available in, Tehran milk, fortunate1y the results were in accordance to a reasonable value. The only remarkable point was that in wintertime, the Indio activity decreased to minimum of 0.02 Pci/lit, and in spring time it went up to a maxi­mum of 0.09 Pci/lit. The next note worthy point was observed in a special contaminated area in Ramsar that with comparison of our results showed a prominent value near 0.8 Pci/lit.

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    A comparison of various health statistics among Sweden, The United States of America, and United Kingdom reveals that the U.S. is in an inferior situation. This is traced to those acute and communicable diseases which could very easily be prevented. However medical care services require money and this money due to the nature of health care system in the U.S. has to come from the patients. While the whites can afford the astronomical medical bills, the non-whites can not and this is very vividly reflected in the statistics. On the other hand, the impact of poverty on statistic could have been much smaller if the medical care would have been included, at least partially, within the governmental responsibilities like Sweden and United Kingdom.

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    Some children of Borazjan area have minute white flecks, yellow or brown spot areas scattered irregularly over the tooth surface, the causative factor was attributed to excess of fluoride in water. To verify this matter short chemical examination of water samples from endemic area was carried out. The results of water analysis by colorimetric method, using zirconium a1izarin reagent after distillation the samples, showed that the average mount of fluoride of Borazjan and the mixture of treated. Water of Boshigan River with water piped of Borazjan wells were 4 and 2 times respectively more than recommended control limits for fluoride and confirmed that this was the causative agent of mottled, teeth (Dental Fluorosis).