Vol 5 No 2 (1976)


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    The effectiveness of contraceptive methods, such as I.U.D. can be considered with different points of view, such as: The period of protection from pregnancy for such married couple. The demographic effect of the program, on the basis of the number of births, averted in a given population. The objective of the, present study was to calculate the probability of pregnancy, expulsion, removal and the continuation rate in use of I.U.D.The present study which started on the first month of 1973 and ended in July 1975 (28 month) covered 11120 women, who referred to the Farmanfarmaian clinic in Tehran for insertion of I.U.D. The data were analyzed using the life table method. The results of the study was as follows: Probability of pregnancy after one year 7.6 per thousend, this figure is 3-6 times less than rates reported elsewhere and cannot be considered to be reliable, because the sample size was not adequate, also due to the lack of a proper follow up program, it is possible that the pregnancies are under reported. Expulsion rate, after the year was 8.12%, which is in accord with the studies and the removal rate was 12.81 %. It is interesting to note that from the 5th month onward the probability to removal of I.U.D. is more than that of expulsion. This may be either due to the severity of complications in the later months of use or referrals for removal as time proceeds. The continuation rate after six months was 8.46% and after one year 7.83%.
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    To have an, idea about the relation between the length of birth interval and lactation, and birth control program this study have been done. The material for such analysis was nomad women's fertility history that was in their reproductive period (15-44). The material itself was gathered through a health survey. The main sample was composed of 2,165 qualified women, of whom 49 due to previous or presently using contraceptive methods and 10 for the lack of enough data were excluded from 'this study. Purpose of analysis was to find a relation between No. of live births and pregnancies with total duration of married life (in other word, total months which the women were at risk of pregnancy). 2,106 women which their fertility history was analyzed had a totally of272, 502 months married life. During this time 8,520 live births did occurred which gave a birth interval of 32 months. As pregnancy termination could be through either live birth, still birth or abortion (induced or spontaneous), bringing all together will give No. of pregnancies which have occurred during this period (8,520 + 124 + 328 = 8,972) with an average of interpregnancy interval of 30.3 months. Considering the length of components of birth interval: Post partum amenorrhea which depends upon lactation. - Anovulatory cycles (2 month) - Ooulatory exposure, in the absence of contraceptive methods (5 months) - Pregnancy (9 months).Difference between the length, of birth interval from the sum of the mentioned period (except the first component), (2 + 5+ 9 = 16) will be duration of post partum amenorrhea (32 - 16 = 16), or in other word duration of breast feeding among nomad women. In this study it was found that, in order to reduce birth by 50% a contraceptive method with 87% effectiveness is needed.
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    In Isfahan tubal ligation project was initiated in July 1970. A total of 310 women, referring to the University of Isfahan Health Center and or admitted to the Arnin Maternity Hospital, were interviewed for tubal ligation procedure. Thirty six patients rejected tubal ligation and 274 women accepted. Of the latter group 114 patients did not refer later on. A total of 160 tubal ligations were performed. A. total of 181 women from all groups were interviewed for the second time on a 1ater date. The reason for acceptance, rejection or refusal of tubal ligation was discussed with them during the second interview. Correlation between personal and social characteristics of cases with acceptance and rejection of tubal ligation were made. Fear from operation, worries about future outcome and religious behavior were the most important factors causing rejection of tubal ligation. Having enough children, physical weakness, financial problems were the most important reasons given for acceptance of tubal ligation. Suggestions are made for using this information in future tubal ligation programs in Iran.
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    This study is a three-year retrospective clinical study (1971-1974) and is based on data recorded in the clinical charts of 2000 patient referred to Soraya Hospital (clinic of OB/Gyn) for different reasons. In addition the physician in charge of the clinic has been personally interested in this study and has meticuloueticulously questioned the patients about the age, of menopause and other relative information. Those patients who could not give reliable information about their age of menopause were not included in this study. The patients under study were mostly women of low socio economic condition. The following points have been taken into consideration from each patient. Past and obstetric history, age of menopause, pre and post symptoms, History of previous pelvic inflammatory diseases (P.I.D.) the mean age of menopause studied in these 2,000 patients was found to be 48.5. Although in the vast majority the symptoms were so minor that medical advice was never sought, in the 20-25 percent, represented in variable mixture of both endocrinological and psychological components, and not infrequently the latter completely dominate the clinical picture.

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    The incidence of tetanus among wounded patients in greater Isfahan in 5 years with their mortality was discussed, careful review of the literature. With consideration of commendations of the committee on trauma of the American College of Surgeons, the German Association for Surgery and the Swedish College .of Surgeons about type of prophylactic measurement discussed and finally the basic trends are emphasized.
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    Previous reports on intestinal parasite from Isfahan area revealed wide distribution of intestinal parasitic infections in the area. Since all studied areas were situated in the banks of Zayandeh rood river with lot of trees and a humid soil, it was suggested, for comparison, to undertake a similar study in a village with comparatively dry and district climate. The village Segzi (42 kilometer, east bf Isfahan city) was selected for the study. 416 stool samples were collected from 1,400 villagers and were examined by the following methods: 1) direct saline smear 2) direct iodide smear, 3) saturated salt flotation, and 4) hydrochloric acid-ether sedimentation: The results revealed that the four most prevalent helminthic infections, were Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura. Trichostronglylus spp. and Hymenolepis nana with 76.9.2, 69.95, 58.41 and 8.41 per cent, infection rates respectively. Entamoeba coli, Iodamoeba butschlii, Giardia intestinalis, Endolimax nana and Chilomastix mesnili with 26.92, 12.74, 9'86, 5.53 and 3.61 per cent, infection rates respectively, were the prevalent intestinal protozoan infections comparison of the figures reported in this study with previously reported ones from other temperate zones of the province shows that dry and desert climate, at least in Segzi village, had no effect, on the transmission of the above mentioned parasites.