Vol 5 No 4 (1976)


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    Because of the establishment of a sewage treatment plant in the city of Isfahan in recent years, a study was undertaken to investigate the effect of this system in reducing the high prevalence of helminthiases. Samples obtained from various parts of the plant and at different stages of processing were examined and it was found that the eggs of Ascaris, Trichostrongylus spp. and Trichuris are found in very high numbers in the canal entering the plant, the majority of which were undeveloped. The average number of Ascaris ova found in one gram of fertilizer at the end of processing was 18, 100, the culture of which yielded a high proportion (up to 45 per cent) of eggs in larval stages. An examination of the inhabitants of two quarters of the city, one with and the other without .a sewage system, showed high prevalence of infection with helminthes among both groups. The difference between the prevalence of infection with each helminth was not significant in these, two groups. Similar infection rates were also found among the laborers working at the sewage plant. The contaminated fertilizer is used in vegetable farms and, because of the large consumption of vegetables by the inhabitants of the city, the important role of contaminated fertilizer in the transmission of Ascaris infection in the city of Isfahan is discussed.
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    In 1969 and 1976, 830 rodents and carnivores col1ected from North East Iran were examined for Trichinella spiralis. Fifty per cent of golden jackal and 30 percent of red foxes were found infected. The possibility of infection among the rodent was discussed could be considered as new transmission. The results of examination of 1534 total blood samples collected from children up to 15 years old in selected villages of the Hamadan area at, the end of the transmission season of 1973 showed only: serological positive case. This investigation showed that the malaria infection rate, in the selected areas, which seemed to be the most appropriate region in Iran, is now too low for such study.
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    P. vivax malaria with suspected long incubation have been frequently observed mostly in the northwest part of Iran in the course of Malaria Control and Malaria Eradication Operations. A sero-epidemiological study of such cases which present the first symptom in early spring, before anopheles activities season, was carried out in 92 selected villages with a population of 38,726 in two near areas in Ramadan and Bijar, in the west part pf Iran. . The total number of 3553 blood samples for microscopical and indirect fluorescent antibody serological technique were collected in 12 weekly total surveillance in the- early months of the year 1973 and 1974. Altogether seven cases parasitologically (P. vivax) and 98 cases serologically (titers 1/20 to 1/640) positive were observed. . From seven parasitological positive cases three were serologically negative. These three cases as they occurred at the beginning of appearance of anopheles.
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    In a study on 685 healthy women who have been using birth control pills for a period of about 27 months, the following results were found: 1.Blood pressure has been increased with a rate of 1.416%. 2. The increase in arterial Wood pressure is on both the systolic and diastolic blood pressures. 3. It seems that hypertension results from the Estrogen which is present in the Pills. 4. This hypertension is not grave I and with stopping, the Pills within a maximum period of 5 months, blood pressure will return to its control level, without having any effect on the cardiac or renal function. 5. When noticing the above mentioned points, we can conclude that if a woman had previous hypertension after using birth control pills, it is less dangerous than giving birth to a baby due to not using the pills.

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    299 cases of incomplete abortions were admitted to Jahanshah Saleh Hospital, Razi Medical School University of Tehran during the period of October 10, 1973 to November 24, 1974. All were treated with single dilatation and curettage. The patient groups were roughly half outpatient and half inpatient. The information was recorded on standard forms and computed by the International Fertility Research Program. It has been shown by this analysis the high safety and efficiency of outpatient procedures as well as the immediate and late complications of dilatation and curettage performed for incomplete abortions.
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    On the basis of a cross-sectional demographic survey that was conducted among the Qashqai Tribe of southern Iran in 1973, the crude birth rate was estimated at 48.2 per thousand per year. The most productive age groups, was 25-29 years. Forty-nine, point seven per cent (49.7%) or about one half of the total births occurred among married women aged 20 to 29 years Eighty-seven point three per cent (87.3%) of the deliveries took place in tents, only one per cent at maternity hospitals. Ninety point one per cent (90.1%) of babies were delivered with the help of relative and friends, while only 6.9 per cent of all deliveries took place with the aid of midwives. Eighty-nine point seven per cent (89.7%) of deliveries were performed without medical expenses.