Vol 25 No 3-4 (1996)


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    Down’s syndrome, or 21 trisomy, is the most common autosomal abnormality, with incidence of 1 per 815 live births in Iran. Worldwide reports indicate that about 95% are regular trisomy, or nondisjunction, 1% are mosaic and 4% due to translocation. However, these values show a geographical variation. A cytogenetic study of Down's syndrome, or trismoy 21, was carried out on 366 cases (202 males and 164 females) during a 10 year period (1974-1983) in Akbarabadi maternity hospital in Tehran. The lymphocyte chromosomes were stained with G-banding technique. Free trisomy 21 constituted 93.44%, D/G translocation 3.55% and G/G translocation 3.01%. Reciprocal translocation and mosaic were not observed. The values are compared with other studies in some of the countries of the countries of the region.
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    A total of 781 serum and 827 red cell samples from four populations of Iran (Kashan, Ardestan, Asrara and Ardabil) were sub-typed by isoelectric focusing for group-specific componet and red cell enzyme Phosphoglucomutase, locus one, respectively. Heterogeneity test revealed no significant differences among the populations studied regarding both PGM1 and Gc systems.
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    In the present study 6500 stray dogs were killed in 1993-4 to initiate a preliminary control program in rural and urban areas of the city of Kerman. 391 dogs including 169 (43.12%) females and 222 (56.8%) males were selected randomly, dissected and examined for Echinococcus granulosus and microscopically. The overall prevalence rate was 7.4%. The younger dogs were more susceptible to infection that the older ones. The prevalence of the worms was generally higher in female dogs than males. On the other hand, the mean number of worm recovery was 20 (light infection) in female dogs while it was 98 (moderate infection) in male dogs. Due to the hostile climatic and topographical conditions, echinococcosis was relatively low in this part of the country.
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    A total of 3204 ABO and Rh blood groups were investigated in Larestan and Lamerd populations, in Fars province, in Iran. The frequency of the A gene ranged from 16.54% to 21.96, the B gene from 15.85 to 27.77% and that of the d gene from 21.49 to 33.01% ; compared with the gene frequencies of 20.97% for the B and 28.50% for the d in the general population. It seemed that the two populations studied in the present investigation were characterized by a higher B and a lower A gene frequencies. Larestan and Lamerd areas had been malarias for several centuries and because the B phenotype has slight advantage at malarious condition, in appeared that, at least in part, the natural selection counts for the high level of the B gene in Larestanis and Lamerdis compared with that in other populations of Fars province.