Vol 26 No 3-4 (1997)


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    Quantitative serum level measurements of Gc , Cp , C3 , IgG , IgA and 1gM were carried out on 102 patients with esophageal carcinoma following laryngectomy, in comparison with 66 healthy individuals as controls, in Gonbad area, north east of Iran. The procedure of radioinimuno-diffusion by standard M partigen plates was used for the measurements. A significant decrease was observed in Gc level in patients (P = 46.08%, C = 27.27%) (P=0.0145). An increase was observed in serum 1gM of patients (23.88%) in comparison 0 with the controls (12.19/o). A significant increase was observed in C3 level (P = 33.33% C = 4.76%) (P = 0.0205). Highly significant increase, over the maximum level, was seen in serum Cp, the copper carrying protein, in patient (36.49%) in comparison with the controls (2.5%) (P=0.0001). The measurements of IgG and IgA showed no difference between patients and controls. The correlation coefficient of all factors were calculated and compared with each other. A positive value was observed between Cp and IgG of patients, as the increase of one is directly proportional to the increase of the other. Gc versus 1gM in patients and controls showed negative correlation.

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    A study has been carried out in 1992 to determine the incidence mortality and disability due to accidents and injuries in more than seven hundred thousand population under the coverage of Health Houses in East Azerbaijan province, northwest of Iran. This study showed that burns, falls, road accidents and those related to agricultural and other equipments are the main types of accidents. Road accidents, burns suicides and suffocations were the main causes of accident deaths. Both the types and the end-results of accidents were different in various age groups and between male and female. Recommendations are presented for further studies and for reducing the health burden of these problems.
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    Anopheles stephensi is the main malaria vector in south of Iran. It has been known to be resistant to DDT, malathion and dieldrin. After appearance of resistance the area was treated with propoxur, at the rate of 2 g/m2 twice a year for 14 successive years. This species is still susceptible to propoxur. In order to forecast the possibility of development of propoxur resistance in An.stephensi, the females of this species were put under the pressure of propoxur for 14 generations in 1988. Fourteen generations of propoxur selection on the adult females of An.stephensi resulted in an increase in LT60 from 8.5 min to 24.30 minutes, i.e. 2.86 fold increase in tolerance.
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    Based on epidemiologic data, women who take oral contraceptives seem to have an increased risk of developing thromboembollic disease. The thrombotic effects of oral contraceptive (OC) are probably mediated, at least partly through their effects on the coagulation system. Plasma levels of several clotting factors have been shown to be elevated in OC users, and this increase is graduated according to the dose of estrogen. In this study, fifty healthy and non smoking women, aged 18-35 years, were randomly assigned to treatment with 2 different OCs: a monophasic pill containing 30 pg of ethinyl estradiol plus 150µg levonorgestrel (LD) and a monophasic pill containing 35µg ethinylestradiol plus 250pg norgestimate (Cilest). Factor VIII plasma values were significantly decreased (P<0.05) only in women treated with the preparation LD, but the levels of factor VIII were not significantly different in the group treated with Cilest. Factor IX plasma values were significantly increased (P<0.05) only in women treated with the preparation Cilest, but the levels of factor Ix were not significantly different in the group treated with LD. In LD and cilest users factors VIII and IX were not significantly changed (P<0.05) in overweight and obese subjects in comparison to normal weight.
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    The susceptibility of 5 wild strains of German cockroach collected from five infected flats in Tehran were assessed by tests of surface contact method to cyfluthrin, permethrin, sumithrin and lambdacyhalothrin. Comparison of the result of knockdown tests on the wild strains with a standard susceptible strain indicated that all the strains are resistant to sumithrin, i.e., resistance ratio, the RR, ranged from 309 to 7.75 folds; but susceptible to beta - cyfluthrin (RR < 1.5). Permethrin tests on the field collected strains revealed that 3 out of 5 strains are resistant (RR = 2.9 to 3 folds) but two are tolerant to permethrin (RR ranged between 2.24 to 2.5 folds). Further tests on the lambdacyhalothrin showed that 4 out of 5 strains were tolerant and one is susceptible. It could be concluded that development of permethrin and lambdacyhalothrin resistance/tolerance in a number of strains of German cockroach was as the result of direct use of these later insecticides in human dwelling. Sumithrin resistance is unlikely related to use of such small amount of this compound in cockroach control programs; but it is likely related to uses of other pyrethroids and hence developing cross-resistance to sumitlirin.