Vol 17 No 1-4 (1988)


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    Hazards of soluable hexa and trivalent chromium have been documented by many investigators. But there was no information regarding safety of about 5000 workers at exposure risk to chromium in 600 primitive electroplating work shops of Tehran. During this study more than 70% of work shops were inactive due to some of their own problems. Out of active plants those that were relatively more cooperative 43 manual and 3 semi automatic were investigated for chromium concentration both by personal and environmental Sampling. The Samples were analyzed by AAS and cholormetry. In 30% of personal and 40% of environmental samples both total and Cr+6 were higher than ACGIH’S TLV. In one of semiautomatic plant Cr=6 was as high as 0.71 mg/m.3.Regarding injuries, following observations were made: Nasal wound 85%, skin irritation 73% , Dermatitis 35% and some other chromium related injuries including 2 cases of Septum perforations.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 100 | views: 103 | pages: 11-22
    Isolation of pigmented T.Violaceum from a patient with endothrix infection associated with the inflammatory and kerion symptoms and also isolation of the non- pigmented strain from another patient with non-inflammatory symptoms, led us to investigate the enzymic activities in both strains. Most of the studies on dermatophyte compoxition have shown the relationship between proteolytic enzymes and their pathogenisity. Both strains showed high enzymic activity for phosphatase acid, naphtha-AS-Bl phosphohydropase, N-acetil-β galactosidase, α- manosidase, α- phocosidase, the pigmented strain lacked all of those enzymic activities and showed activity for α- glucosidase. Besides all enzymic activities of phosphatase alkaline, esterase (C4), Estrase lipase (C8), leucin arylamidase, valine arylamidase, β glucosidas were higher than the activities in pigmented strain. None of the strains showed lipase (C14), β glucoronidase and urease activities.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 181 | views: 99 | pages: 23-39
    A hundred and five strains of Salmonella havana were studied from the patients of pediatric hospital of Tehran and Tabriz during 1976-86. The sources of the strains in order to their frequency were from-stool, blood, spinal, fluid, wound and urine. From the epidemiological point of view Salmonella Havana is serotype of most non-typhoid Salmonella. All of the strains had drug resistancy and most of them were resistant to many drugs. Salmonella havana had been considered in the past as a serotype of nonpathogenic agent, but this work resulted that strain has Pathogenic strength to the children of under one year old age Symptoms of diseases caused by this strain were gastroenteritis, diarrhea, Vomiting fever, Focal infection, general infection and meningitis. This strain in about 20% of the cases, particularly in the children fewer than one year old age has caused death.