Vol 17 No 1-4 (1988)


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    The C3 phenotypes were determined by high-voltage agarose gel electrophoreses in German patients suffering from Lymphosarcoma (n=34), Hodgkin (n=59) and a group of other haematological diseases (n=46). Frequencies of C3 SS, SF and FF pho=enotypes were not significantly different from the frequencies found in a control group of 322 healthy Germans. However, high frequency of the FF phenotype in the three patient groups and low F gene frequency in Lymphosarcoma were found.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 72 | views: 156 | pages: 9-18
    The importance of the use of activated charcoal tubes for sampling gases and vapors is very well-known. For producing these tubes in the country, their production started in the laboratory of the department of occupation al health using activated charcoal, polyurethane foam and glass wool and consequently two types of foamed and foamless tubes were produced. To investigate the quality of the raw materials used, 186 tubes were exposed to various proportions of solutions of different volumes of known percentages of four compounds of benzene, toluene, O-xylene and P-xlene. The adsorption of various parts of sampler tubes was done by a chemical method using CS2 and the final analysis was done by gas chromatography. The results obtained show that the amount of the above named compounds adsorbed by glass wool and foam in comparison to the activated charcoal isn’t significant (respectively P<0.001 & P,0.05). Also the experiments don’s show any significant differences between the total amount of adsorbed chemicals by charcoal in the back-up layer and the sample layer of the foamed tube and the amount adsorbed in the foamless tube, when treated with various compounds (P,0.001). Considering the equal adsorption of both types of tubes and the advantage of foamed tubes in controlling the time duration and the flow rate of sampling, the foamed type was recommended for production and use.
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    Manure and Putreseible garbage are some of the main sources of pathogenic germs in countryside’s. On the other hand, demand for fertilizer and energy increases in rural areas every day. To study Potential of cow manure for these requirements a 16,5m3 pilot plant was designed and constructed as fermentation tank near animal husbandry of karaj Agriculture Faculty. Some 260kg cow manure and water with the ratio of 4 and 7 was fed to fermentation tank every day. Average daily biogas production was 3.4m3, which was burned successfully in a gas range. Gas production was reduced by 86% during coldest winter days. Design for control of gas pressure and reservation of excessive gas was successful. Concentration of nitrate in sludge increased by 1.6 folds compared to row material. Some bacteria and Parasites were reduced drastically.
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    This investigation determined that vitamin C intake of C.W. was higher than O.P. , S. C. and C. Statistically, there was a significant difference between C.W. and C. Blood ascorbic acid levels of O.P. and S.C. were lower than C.W. and C. , a significant difference was observed. Urinary vitamin C in all groups was lower than controls and this indicates that even though vitamin C intake was high, the demand for vitamin C was increased.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 77 | views: 157 | pages: 43-60
    A total of 1611 serum samples collected from ten ethnically distinct populations of Iran (Turks and Kurds of Rezaieh, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis, Turks and Kurds of Shirvan, Zoroastrians, Tehranis and Kermanis) were examined for haptoglobin, transrferrin and the third component of complement systems. The gene frequencies obtained of these samples were combined with those of the previous studies of other Iranian groups to determine the genetic structure of the Iranian population as a whole. The population of Iran was then compared with reported frequencies for neighboring populations as well as with those for European and Indian groups. The generalized feature of serum protein gene frequencies for the whole country of about 27% HP1, 13% CF 3 and the predominance of the Tf D to the Tf B allele, all show a departure from the values found in the countries to the west and an approach to those in the Indian region.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 146 | views: 424 | pages: 61-68
    A case of cryptococcal meningitis is reported in a 26 year old man by the Medical Mycology Department of the School of Public Health, Tehran University. The patient with the symptom of meningitis was admitted to the hospital with the symptom of meningitis was admitted to the hospital. Lumbar puncture was performed in the hospital. After direct examination and culture of cerebrospinal fluid, Cryptococcus neoformans were isolated.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 60 | views: 140 | pages: 69-78
    Biotypes, serotypes and lysotypes of 38 Yersinia isolated from 48 water samples were studied. These strains belonged to Y.enterocolitica, Y.frederiksenii, Y.kristensenii and Y. intermedia. Except 23.7% of non-serotypable strains, ten different serotypes were isolated of which 0:6 and 0:10 kl were the most frequent. The serotypes 0:3, 0:8, 0:9 responsible for almost all registered cases of yersiniosis in man were not detected. However, a few types 0:5, 0:6, 0:10 kl isolated rarely from specimens (urine of feces) of patients were found. These serotypes can be used for correlation with Yersinia and yersiniosis in man.