Vol 19 No 1-4 (1990)


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    There are 3700 wells in Tehran city, of which 850 are deep wells. To determine Tehran ground water quality, as a pretest we selected 102 wells by simple random sampling; water analyses were made according to the latest edition (1985) of the standard methods. Comparisons of the obtained results with WHO standards show that only 0.98% of the samples go beyond the maximum desirable concentration of 0.2 mg detergent/L. The mean of total hardness of all samples (223.82 mg/L) shows that all water are in the range of hard waters, with 2.97% of samples being above the maximum permissible concentration (500 mg/I) for hardness; in 24 permissible and maximum desirable level, according to W.H.O standards. The concentrations of heavy metals determined in thes survey are not more that the standard except for chromium, which showed an undesirable increase in two percent of the cases.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 56 | views: 90 | pages: 15-20
    Nonpasturized cream is usually contaminated with different types of pathogens, and its use in foodstuffs such as creamy cake and ice-cream is the main cause of contamination of such foodstuffs. The purpose of the analysis was to show the contamination rate of nonpasturized cream and foodstuffs in which such creams are used. Studies carried out on 70 samples from 231 distribution centers, from Dec, 1987 to May, 1988, in the city of Qazvin, Iran revealed that 95% of the samples were contaminated with different types of pathogens. The microbial counts were as follows: total count, 95%; Coliform, 77%; Staphylococcus aureus, 62%, and positive cases of E. Coli with feacal origin, 55%.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 68 | views: 96 | pages: 21-32
    In a case control study the effects of literacy, socio-economic status and the fertility behavior of mothers were fully investigated in two groups. Out of 13123 babies born in 17 hospitals during almost 8 months in 1988-1989 in Tehran 730 had a low birth weight (less than 2500 gr). As a control group, 1460 births were randomly selected from normal weight births. Some basic findings are as follows: 1)Mothers who become pregnant in either age group of “less than 20” or “35 and over” will eventually have a higher chance of delivering a low birth weight baby, and as a result, such babies will gave a higher probability mortality in the first week and first month of their lives. 2) Age at marriage is positively correlated with the level of education. 3) The number of children born alive is negatively correlated with the level of education of mothers. 4) The socio-economic status of the family has a significant impact upon child spacing, and that will affect the probability of having a low birth weight newborn, and finally, will increase the mortality rate of babies.
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    The infant feeding practices and the effects of factors such as mother’s educational level, primary health care, and family income on these practices in 531 households with 930 children 6-60 months of age were studied in rural areas of Sirjan (Kerman province), Iran. The findings indicate that the majority of mothers (85%) breastfeed their infants and 86% of babies are fed the colostrums. The age of supplementary food introduction in about one half of the children is 4-6 months. The main supplementary food is the family diet. Mothers often wean their children suddenly furthermore, the findings indicate that factors such as mother’s educational level, as well as appropriate and constant primary health care services can bring about desirable changes in these practices.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 55 | views: 82 | pages: 45-60
    The child feeding practices in health and during diarrhea were studied in 531 households in rural areas of Sirjan, Iran. Although most mothers did not believe in food avoidances and recommendation for children some of them had belief in these regard. Inappropriate child food practices in diarrhea were common among many mothers. Inappropriate child food practices in diarrhea were common among many mother’s nutritional knowledge source, household income and primary health care on these practices were studied. Significant artistically relationships were found between all of the variables and food practices, with the exception of household income and mother’s educational level with feeding child during diarrhea.