Vol 20 No 1-4 (1991)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 410 | views: 437 | pages: 1-16
    A total of 8641 married couples were investigated from 28 Iranian populations for consanguineous marriages and coefficient of inbreeding. The results showed considerable differences in the rate and kind of consanguineous matings among the various urban, rural, tribal, and religious populations studied. The observed frequencies of the consanguineous matings in the populations of Iran are higher than those reported previously for the Middle Eastern populations. First cousin matings occurred more than second cousin matings among most of the groups studied. Uncle-niece matings occurred only among the Jews. The observed results were expected, considering the cultural, ethnic, and religious differences, and also the ecological and geographical conditions of the populations studied.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 177 | views: 191 | pages: 17-26
    With its well-known biological toxicity, the excessive concentrations of sulfide in tannery wastewaters may upset the biological treatment processes, thus leading to a substantial decrease in the efficiency of treatment plants. The presence of sulfide in wastewaters may dramatically interfere with microbial activities and consequently disturb the function of the system as a whole. In this study, the most common and reliable method of sulfide elimination by natural aeration is examined. Significant factors, such as the process efficiency, the best and most appropriate types and concentrations of the catalyst, as well as detention time of aeration are determined. It is concluded that with an aeration time of 7 1/2 hours, sulfide removal was more than 98% effective, provided that optimum concentrations of the catalysts and adequate aeration are throughoutly maintained. The optimum concentrations of manganese and nickel are estimated to be 270 & 260 mg/l, respectively.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 86 | views: 133 | pages: 27-34
    Fifty-nine samples of washed and unwashed leaves of 4 species of plants in Tehran and 24 similar samples of the suburb (as control) were analyzed for Pb content. A significant difference was seen between Pb contents of washed and unwashed urban samples, while no significant difference was observed between the control samples. The mean Pb contents of the urban suburb samples were also significantly different. Washing removed 40% of lead from the surface of urban samples. Lead content was highest in fall and lowest at spring time. Results of this study showed that contamination of plant leaves with Pb aerosol in the city of Tehran is mainly a surface deposition and is due to the exhausts of the motor vehicles and low rainfall
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 118 | views: 378 | pages: 35-42
    A case of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis due to Candida albicans in a 13 yr-old boy is reported. Evaluation of cell mediated immunity revealed cutaneous anergy to PPD and low level of T-Lymphocytes B-Cell count and immunoglobulin G (IgG) were increased and there was a low level of serum iron. The patient was put under treatment with oral administration of Ketoconazole and ferrus sulfate, which resulted in some clinical improvement
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 101 | views: 188 | pages: 43-50
    A list of 28 patients is given in whom the duration of the sore at the site of leishmanization has been 3 to 7 years. The problem of cases of cutaneous leishmanjasis with long duration as a complication of leishmanization is discussed. Although this complication is very rare, i.e. a few hundreds among more than 2 million people inoculated, its effect on the leishmanization program has been Considerable as reflected in reports by dermatologists the situations in which leishmanization is recommended is discussed.