Vol 1 No 2 (1972)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 60 | views: 56 | pages: 119-133
    This study was undertaken in order to ascertain the carrier rate of group A hemolytic streptococci in the throats of pupils in selected schools of Tehran, and to evaluate the role of socio-economical factors on carrier state. During the period of six months, 7020 children and adolescents, aged 10 to 17, were studied. These pupils were visited at their schools and their socio-economical level was determined by social workers. At the same time, throat cultures were obtained by sterile swabs and inoculated on blood agar plates immediately. Indentation of hemolytic streptococcus, its grouping and typing were done by standard techniques in the laboratory. Out of 7020 throat cultures, 522 positive results were seen, giving an average rate of 7.4%. Type 25 and 12 were the most prevalent types. Further analysis of the data indicates that girls have more positive cultures than boys (8.1%yand 6.8% respectively), and the month of December depicts the highest rate of carrier state of this micro-organism. Mid socio-economical group has shown a higher rate than the other two groups. This could be due to a larger sample size, of that group 'which actually were obtained during the month of December. The pupils who had tonsillectomy in the past showed 40% lower carrier rate than the intact group.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 82 | views: 73 | pages: 134-145
    The role of blood transfusion as a cause of Induced malaria is a known fact, and an increase in this condition has already observed in Iran mainly due to the increase in blood transfusions. Among cases in whom the onset and course of the disease were followed, it was observed that fever and other symptoms of malaria usually appear about 6 weeks alter the transfusion and appear mainly among patients in whom the transfusion bas been repeated. Fortunately, because of the limitation in the number of blood donors in Iran, who are mostly professional, the prevention of this condition is possible, provided that close cooperation between the related organizations be established. With the establishment of close cooperation among institution such as the centers for blood collection and transfusion, the Malaria Eradication Organization and its branches in various parts of the country, clinics, laboratories and research and educational centers, it would be possible to detect the source(s) of infection and take action to prevent the appearance of this condition.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 70 | views: 97 | pages: 146-153
    A survey on lead intoxication in lead mine workers was carried out among Khanehsorme, lead miners in NajafAabad and also in Ab-bagh lead miners in Shahreza, both located in district of Esfahan, Iran. The studies were carried out on 62 miners out of 82 employees in Khanehsorme, 25 miners out of 27 employees in Ab-bagh lead miners and 47 rural inhabitants in the surroundings of mines were selected as the Control group. Clinical examinations were done. Age and sex group, working hours, type of work, and duration of service and previous occupation of workers were questioned. The determination of lead in urine was done according to Truhaut et Boudene's method and the content of blood Hemoglobin was performed according to Sali method. Results obtained in lead miners in comparison with the control group showed the absorption of lead and consequently lead intoxication was observed some extent.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 63 | views: 81 | pages: 154-167
    This paper is a brief review of what has been carried out on the epidemiology of coetaneous Leishmaniasis in Mashad Research Station during the period 1964 through 1967. According to these studies; nine different foci of the disease exist in the province of Khorassan. The disease is of urban type in the city of Mashad and of rural type in Sarakhs and Lotfabad areas. The epidemiological type of the disease is not yet known in other foci. In the urban focus of Mashad, the main reservoir of the disease is dog and its vector Ph. Sergenti. Average duration of disease is about one year. The prevalence is about the same all the year round. The incidence in highly infected areas reaches 138 per thousand per year. In the rural foci, the main reservoirs of the disease are gerbils (Rhombomys oplmus and Meriones libycus erythrbumus its vectors are Ph. papatasi and sand-flies of the coucasious group. Average duration of the disease is about. 6 months. The prevalence differs according to the season, being maximum in December and almost zero In May. The incidence of the disease had been 86 per thousand per year during the study period. There exist 18 species of Phlebotomus and 11 species of Sergentomyia in the province of Khorassan. In Mashad and Lotfabad sandflies all active from late May through early October and they are susceptible to DDT and Dieldrin.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 66 | views: 65 | pages: 168-174
    Alter a definition of the condition of larva migrants and a description of the types of helminthes which cause this affection in man a brief account of the pathology and clinical manifestations of both visceral and coetaneous larva migrants is given. Studies undertaken in Iran have revealed the presence of most of 1ihe animal helminthes which cause coetaneous larva migrants of the parasites which are responsible for the infection of man with visceral larva migrants, both Toxocara canis and T cati have been reported from various parts of the country. The infection rate for T. canis among dogs varies from 17 to 76% in the areas surveyed. The results obtained indicate that most probably both visceral and coetaneous larva migrant are found among the population in various parts of Iran, and with more attention given to the clinical manifestation and the use of laboratory methods, many cases will be diagnosed.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 60 | views: 83 | pages: 175-181
    In recent years there have been many attempts to develop and market inexpensive mixtures of high protein food for the children in developing areas of the world. Biological studies have shown that these foods are rich sources of protein and are every effective in combating protein malnutrition. However, practical marketing and distribution has not been very successful due to the local people's hesitation in accepting unfamiliar foods. Efforts to educate the local people, and especially mothers, may prove successful in promoting the acceptance of this products.1 – Department of Nutrition School of Public Health, Tehran University.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 64 | views: 71 | pages: 182-190
    Shortage of water has been a great consideration since ancient times in Iran. The yearly average atmospheric precipitation in Iran is around 250 mm considering the total area of the country, it can be estimated that our share of water is 420 X 109 per year. Due to evaporation and run off to the sea through rivers and infliction it has been estimated the available water can not be more than 120 × 109 m 3 per year. Assuming, hopefully, that out National Family Planning Program becomes a success, still there will be approximately 50 × 106 people in this country with due regard to our trend of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural activities, we would assume much higher water demand in the year 2000. Water demand for the morning of the first day of 21st. century of the United States is forecasted to be 7500 m 3 per capita per year, based on this figure if we foresee 3,000 m 3 per capita per year, it could be seen that there will be a shortage of 50xl09 m 3 per year, which will affect our national development. Our hope would be planning to reuse the available water where there is no other choice such as salt water conversion. Centrally speaking, application of sewage for any purpose needs some degree of treatment. Best method of including chlorination can reduce coliforms by a factor of 99.99 per cent and pathogen, probably, by 90 per cent.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 79 | views: 88 | pages: 191-201
    Since last few decades, the rapid industrialization has led to the development of many new chemicals, namely of which different kind of pesticides are of the most important ones. It is now evident that almost every food, agricultural product, water, soil and human body etc. is contaminated with some sort of chemical or pesticide. In some highly industrialized countries, new ailments have been reported in consequence with the discharge and release of industrial wastes, toxic materials, gases and vapors in the environment. Some chemicals have been found to be carcinogens and/or teratogens while many others like new potent pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, disinfectants, preservatives, artificial coloring maters, flavors, sweetening agents etc. are still of every-day use and yet their ultimate effects in the, long nm on the man's health is not completely known. Today the problem of pollution is of common interest and in case proper safety measures are not achieved there will be the probability of a global intoxication leading to a catastrophe. It is essential that the man should try his best for keeping his environment clean and retain from any sort of contamination through new safe techniques in industry and mass production.