Vol 2 No 2 (1973)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 64 | views: 84 | pages: 71-78
    In an attempt to determine the chemical losses of three common molluscicides, i.e. CuSO4, NaPCP and Bayer –73, in stagnant water, a solution of each of this molluscicide was applied to one or more B.truncatus habitats and outdoor aquariums. The concentration of each molluscicide in these water bodies was determined immediately after application and at fixed time intervals thereafter. The concentration of copper sulfate dropped dramatically to 50% within 1 ½ hours after application. This fast depreciation is attributed to the alkalinity of the natural waters in this area. The depreciation of NaPCP, although slower than copper sulfate, was faster than Bayluseide. As this fast depreciation is caused by sunlight, NaPCP is not recommended for use in Khuzestan (Iran).Since the effect of Bayluscide on snails was also superior to that of the other two mollluscicides, Bayer-73 can be considered as the molluscicide of choice for snail control in Iran.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 72 | views: 60 | pages: 79-89
    Eight villages of East Azerbaijan were surveyed in the summer of 1972 for the prevalence of hypertension. Three hundred seventy five men and women aged 40-60 years were examined in this survey and it was found that 16.6% of women and 6.7% of men are hypertensive. The highest rate occurs in women 51-60 years of age who have a prevalence rate of 22.2%. The figures indicate that even now hypertension is in important health problem of this area.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 78 | views: 78 | pages: 90-101
    Inhabitants of 4 districts in the city of Kermanshah, the capital of province, living under various socio- economic conditions, were examined for infection with intestinal helminthiasis. Two of these districts were close to and the other two far from a small stream running through the city and serving as an unsanitary sewage system. A total of 889 persons in different sex and age groups from these 4 areas and 57 students of a nursing school in the city were examined. In addition, a total of 933 inhabitants of 10 villages, 5 in the vicinity of Kermanshah city and 5 in the Qasr-e-Shirin area in the western part of the province, were also examined. A surprising high prevalence of infection with Ascaris and Trichuris was found among the inhabitants of all 4 districts, the mean prevalence being 74% for Ascaris and 64% for Trichuris. The prevalence of Trichostrongylus spp. and H.Nana was less than 7% in all areas. The prevalence of Ascaris and Trichuris did not differ very much in the various sex and age groups except in the age group below 5, which had lower infection rates. The prevalence of these two infections was similarly high among the inhabitants of the villages. (A mean infection rate of 78% for Ascaris and 58% for Trichuris). The highest rate of Ghaleh Sabzi near Qasr- e-Shirin city, the species of Trichostrongylus expelled from treated patients were T. colubrifromis , T.vitrinus T. capricola . Species found in animals were T. vitrinus T. colubriform , T. axei and T. capricola. The factors responsible for the high rate of infection among the population of the city are discussed.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 62 | views: 95 | pages: 102-114
    Previous work by other investigators indicates a direct relation between the amount of protein in the diet and the level of urea in the blood . However, the present report shows that the type of protein , apart from its level in the ration , also has an effect on blood urea concentrations. When adult male or female rats of two strains were fed a ration in which the only source of protein was wheat flour , the blood urea level was 20 percent lower than in rats fed an isonitrogenous ration containing casein. This reduction was apparent in the first blood samples taken one week after the start of the wheat ratio . It was most prominen In the blood samples secured 18 hours after removing the feed cups from the cages . The reduction in blood urea was not due to a decreased digestibility of the flour ration nor to a change in the proportion of urinary nitrogen excreted as urea.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 96 | views: 117 | pages: 115-118

    The subcutaneous inoculation of 16 white mice and 10 golden hamsters with L.tropica major resulted in the development of leishmanial lesions in all, becoming generalized in some.Two of 10 hamsters inoculated intraperitoneally with this parasite developed generalized lesions. On the other hand, the inoculation of L. tropica minor to 128 mice subcutaneously and 170 mice intraperitoneally did not cause any leishmanial lesions , while 22 out of 47 hamsters inoculated with this parasite showed lesions at the site of inoculation.