Vol 2 No 4 (1973)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 146 | pages: 199-205
    For many years , Penicilline was the only drug of choice for treatment of Gonorrhoeae, but the increased incidence of this disease in many parts of the world and the failure of Penicilline-therapy against it has brought the theory of penicilline-resistant strains of Gonococcus. On the other hand , the increased incidence of asymptomatic infection of Gonorrhoeae especially in females has been considered as one of the major causes of spreading this disease. For this reason, the Reference Laboratories of Ministry of Health of Iran carried out a project to find the percentage of resistant strains of Gococcus and asymptomatic carriers in the ill-reputed section of Teheran called Shahr-Now. A total of 911 females were examined. The sensitivity was performed by 2 different methods: A: By standardized disease, B: By dilution of antibiotics in the appropriate media for determination of M.I.C. (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration). The results are as follows: 1) From 921 women examined 112 (12.1%) had positive cultures for N.gonorrhoeae. 2) 74% were resistant to penicillin. 3) All 112 infected women did not show any symptoms of gonorrhea and were considered as “Healthy”.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 90 | views: 136 | pages: 206-213
    The existence of Ra 226 is proved and measured by radiom emanation-method in waters and food products of North , North West and North – East of Iran. A total of 126 water, 249 food and 22 air samples have been examined. The concertration of Ra 226 in waters found to be 0.01 to 1.104 Pci/1 and in food products from 0.01 to Pci/gr. Ash.The amount found in due ranges from 0.003 to 0.227 Pci/m 3.It is concluded that the presence of higher than normal activity in some parts of Northern Iran is due to radiationanomalies in subsurface strata, where these mineral waters pass. Further investigattions are recommended.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 314 | pages: 214-219

    A clinical and epidemiological comparison of the cutaneous leishmaniasis was carried out among 100 victims of cutaneous leishmaniasis who were living in the villages of Isfahan area, and 100 other patients of the lesions have been determined and analyzed. Comparison of patients of the city with that of neighboring villages shows that both type of cutaneous leishmaniasis are prevalent in Isfahan area, the “dry” or urban type in the city and the “kket” or rural type in villages of the area.