Vol 2 No 3 (1973)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 56 | views: 50 | pages: 145-154
    Each community , due to differences in climatical , social economical and cultural peculiarities has a different sort of public health problems . In planning and executing public health programs , health workers should first be concerned with the problems of the locality and then with the program.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 70 | views: 90 | pages: 155-165
    In order to determine the control of breeding sources of Culex larvae in sewage wells by the larvicide Abate, some studies were performed in the summer and autumn of 1972. In general, it was noticed in these studies that:1. The wells chosen as a control (5 wells) were active throughout the study periods and adult mosquitoes were captured plentifully. 2 In 4 sewage wells which were controlled by kerosene, after the distribution of kerosene the number of adults diminished and in some cases reached zero or near zero. These studies showed that the use of kerosene at ½ to one liter for each well is able to control the production source of mosquitoes for 10 to 12 days.3. Abate capsules were investigated at various quantities. In a number of wells, one capsule was used at the beginning; it was observed that, in some cases, there were not many effects on the mosquito population. The next time, 2 capsules were used and it was noticed that the density of adult mosquitoes decreased considerably and reached zero. In some cases, some of these wells had no activity for mosquito production for 30 days. In some of the other wells, 2 capsules were used initially and it was observed that the density reached zero after 6-7 days, and they then remain zero for 20 to 22 days. In general, these studies showed that the Abate capsule is a larvicide in sewage wells and that can control larvae.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 79 | views: 133 | pages: 166-177
    The term “serological epidemiology” is based to describe a method which has unique applications in comparing the immunologic status and health experiences of various populations, especially among populations for which morbidity data and vital statistics are scanty or completely lacking, or for inaccessible areas where the collection of serum is made with difficulty. Serologic and hematological surveys of diverse populations living in different environments have yielded information regarding the fields of epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases, anthropology and genetics. Examples of the application of serological epidemiology to surveys of populations are given. Techniques and principles which are used in serological epidemiologic investigations are described, and the support of three so called W.H.O. Reference Serum Banks to expand the potentialities in this field is mentioned. Serum samples which are properly documented and stored can serve many purposes. Therefore, it is a timely and economic approach to do more cooperative and multipurpose research in epidemiology, both nationally and internationally.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 119 | views: 73 | pages: 178-187
    There are many carcinogenetic elements in industry and it is for this reason that study and research concerning the effect of these materials is carried out on a national and international level. The establishment and growth of cancer are affected by different factors in two main areas:-1) The nature of the human or animal including sex, age, point and method of entry, fat metabolism, place of agglomeration of carcinogenetic material, amount of material absorbed by the body and the immunity of the body.2) The different nature of the carcinogenetic material e.g. physical, chemical quality, degree of solvency in fat and purity of impurity of the element. As the development of cancer is dependent upon so many factors, it is extremely difficult to determine whether a causative element is principle or contributory. Some materials are not carcinogenetic when they are pure but become so when they combine with other elements. All of this creates an industrial health problem in that it is almost impossible to plan an adequate prevention and safety program. The body through its system of immunity protects itself against small amounts of carcinogens but when this amount increases and reaches a certain level the body is not longer able to defend itself. ILO advises an effective protection campaign against cancer based on the Well –equipped laboratories, Well-educated personnel, the establishment of industrial hygiene within factories, the regular control of safety systems, and the implementation of industrial health principles and research programs.