Vol 3 No 2 (1974)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 73 | views: 300 | pages: 35-43

    Measurement and analysis of noise level in various frequency bands was carried out in a textile factory. It was shown that the noise level in various working places, particularly in the weaving workshop, was quite excessive comparing to the standards and so, it may very likely result in producing hearing loss in the workers. To determine the hearing loss of the workers due to excessive noise, 136 weavers were randomly selected and examined. However, the number of samples was not large enough to give reliable results. It was concluded that the intensive noise level in the weaving workshops may have produced considerable hearing loss in the workers. Large the expo­sure to noise, more the hearing loss was observed.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 118 | views: 462 | pages: 44-57

    In view of the finding of several cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in some areas of Khuzestan southern Iran and the absence of information about its sandfly fauna,  this study was undertaken to elucidate the entomological and whenever possible, the epidemiological aspects of this disease in this province. In these studies more than 21,000 specimens were collected and identified we found eleven species of phlebotomus (P. papatasi, P. alexandri, P. sergenti, P. major, P. tobbi, P. keshishiani, P. langeroni, P. jacusieli, P. mongo­lensis, P. chinensis and P. salehi) and ten species of Sergentomyia (S. sintoni, S. dentata, S. theodori, S. atennata, S. tiberiadis, S. baghdadis, S. palestinen­sis, S. squamipleuris, S. iranica and S. mervynac).P. langeroni, which was found in the mountainous area of Izeh has recently been added to the list of Iranian sandflies. The activity season extends from March through late November, that is, three months longer than in the temperate areas of the central plateau of Iran. There are two peaks in the density curve of most species in this area, one in early June and the second in the late September.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 79 | views: 146 | pages: 58-70

    The province of Rudsar is located in the Caspian littoral zone of Iran. In 1970 an ophthalmic health survey was carried out in 25 units, which were selected by random sampling in these areas. A total of 2,165 persons were examined and the results of this evaluation have been prepared in 6 parts, consisting of ophthalmic conditions and health customs, infectious eye diseases, visual status and diseases, blindness and its causes, eye complications of malnutrition, and other eye disease. The prevalence of trachoma is 24% and of conjunctivitis 11.2%, but infectious eye diseases are mild in these areas and their complications are very rare, and trachoma is deviated mainly to inclusion conjunctivitis. Visual defect are important problem in the Rudsar area; 17.8% of the persons examined of 10 years of age and over, had visual defects. The most important causes of visual defects are refraction abnor­malities, especially myopic astigmatism and contact. Visual defects are more prevalent in females than in males. Of the total number of persons examined, 2.63% had infectious eye diseases, 2.77% had blindness in at least one eye and 56.7% of the blindness was caused by cataracts. The eye complications of avitaminosis A and ariboflavinosis were observed, especially in rural areas. The establish­ment of an ophthalmic clinic, the use of a mobile dispensary unit for diagnosis, procedures for introducing patients to the ophthalmic clinic, and special procedures for the health of school children would be beneficial and are recommended for the control of ophthalmic disease. It is also necessary to have a special survey on toxoplasmosis, an investigation for clarification of the causes of differences in visual defects in males and females, and a survey on the causes of blepharitis.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 83 | views: 128 | pages: 71-77

    In a survey carried out to establish the incidence of erythrocyte glucose­ 6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency, 738 professional blood donors of Tehran were examined.

    The fluorescent spot technique was used for screening and qualitative determination of G-6-PD in erythrocytes. This technique was compared with other methods of G-6-PD enzyme assay and proved to be very reliable. Qualitative enzyme estimation was carried out with spectrophotometer methods. A total of 738 specimens tested and some degree of enzyme deficiencies were detected. In 20 specimens there was a complete enzyme deficiency and in 5 cases the enzyme activity was between 15 to 50 percent of normal subject. The data suggests, the blood bank should be warned of transfusion of enzyme deficient bloods to the patients with fauvism.

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the data collected by the depart­ment of Environmental Health about the susceptibility of Anopheles Stephensi in the Minab shahrestan to D.D.T. From 1957 to 1968, in order to: Determine a mathematical model for the changes in L.D.50 by time and estimate the trend of L.D.50, for the future years. By plotting the changes in the resistance of the mosquitoes to D.D.T. in various years, we observed that almost all the regression lines were parallel and we could assume the angle coefficient i.e., the variance of the resistance of the mosquitoes in different years to be equal. Assuming the equal variance and a normal distribution for L.D.50 we observed a high correlation of r = 0.84 between L.D.50 and time which was significant at a 99% level. With this significance level the regression equation took a linear form y = bx + a where y represents log2. L.D.50 and x the last two figures of the year, e.g. for 1957 x = 57. Using the above equation and its confidence limits we were able to calculate the L.D.50 for various concentrations for the coming years. We are aware of the fact that there are some theoretical difficulties, but this is the only possible method.

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    For determination of SO2 concentration and its variation due to time and location within Tehran air-shed area, department of Environmental Health, School of Public Health installed two units of semiautomatic air sampler, in Tehran University campus and Ghazvin-square area. Collected samples were analyzed according to Hydrogen Peroxide Method and for each month arithmetic mean was calculated. This survey should that this yearly arithmetic average concentration of S02 during sampling period in the above mentioned stations was 106 and 322 percent of allowable concentration of 1971 United States Standard. Calculations based on.1972 formal reports of fossil fuel consumption showed that daily emission of SO2 into Tehran air-shed was 200 tons from which 87.4 and 4.71 percent was due to heavy industries., and transportation vehicles respectively. Collected data showed that the amount of dust fall in Ghazvin-square area was always more than Tehran University campus, but mostly lower than most of the big cities in the world.