Vol 3 No 3 (1974)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 67 | views: 70 | pages: 117-127

    The effeminacy of three rubella vaccines, HPV/77 IDE-5, Cendehill-51 and Wistar RA/27/3 in conferring immunity against untenanted rubella virus was compared. Vaccination resulted in 90-100 percent protection against clinical rubella. Intranasal challenge with the untenanted strain of rubella virus resulted in serologic evidence of in apparent reinfection in three of the ten Cendehill-51 vaccines the virus was isolated from the throat specimens of two, and one developed adenopathy. Two of the eleven RA/27/3 vaccines became reinfected. Virus was isolated from the throat specimen of one and a booster response occurred in that other; the latter developed rash. All of the HPV/177/DE-5 vaccines remained symptom less after the challenge. None demonstrated booster response and shed virus.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 55 | views: 53 | pages: 137-139

    Using complement fixation technique, serial serum samples from 15 patients undergoing surgical removal of malignant tumors were assayed for the presence of tumors antibodies against the cellular fractions of both normal and carcinomatous tissue. Antibody responses against tumor associated antigens were detected in four cases. In all cases antibody activity was directed only against the supernatant of the carcinomatous tissue from the same indivi­dual.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 54 | views: 70 | pages: 147-153

    The Prevalence of various Intestinal helminthiases among the inhabitants of 7 villages was compared with that among the nomadic Bakhtiari tribe with its migratory habits. Stool examination of 736 nomads and 784 persons of the same ethnic group settled in 7 villages showed that, among the settled population, the pre­valence of infection with Ascaris, Trichostrongylus spp., Trichuris trichiura, Hymenolepis nana, Taenia saginala and Enterobius vermicularis was 42.31%, 14%, 3.9%, 5.4%., 1%, and 6%, respectively. The prevalence of infection with the above-mentioned helminthes among the tribe with migratory habits was respectively 9.2%, 86.9%, 0.5%, 4.7%, 0.5%, 1%. The species of Trichostrongylus found among the inhabitants of the villages were in order of frequency, orientalis, colubriformis, axei, vitrinus and capricola, while the species expelled by nomadic patients after treatment were, in order of frequency, T. colubriformis, T. orientalis, T. axei, T. capricola and T. vitrinus. The reasons for differences observed in the prevalence of some helminthes among the two groups were discussed.

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    This study was undertaken to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of 686 strains of hemolytic streptococci isolated at the School of Public Health, Divi­sion of Streptococcal Studies, to five antibiotics in vitro. All of the strains were sensitive to penicillin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol and ampicillin. 27 (4%) of the strains, were resistant to tetracyclin. The clinical implications of this study, particularly in the light of information from other areas, emphasize the fact that, if the blind treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infection with tetracycline were ever justified it has certainly ceased to be so.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 46 | views: 87 | pages: 158-162

    Cycloguanil Pamoate was intramuscularly injected into semi-immune people living in the hyper-endemic malarias area. The results showed that a single dose of Cycloguanil Pamoate by intramuscular injection together with an oral dose of Chloroquine, 10 mg/kg body weight, suppressed P. falciparum for at least 3 months and P. vivax for 5 months in Bandar abbas, southern Iran.