Vol 3 No 4 (1974)


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    After a period of at least 2000 years that rabies existed. on earth and its clinical symptoms were clearly defined, even before Christ, the first basic
    and precise knowledge about this fatal disease of man and animals was advocated by Zinke in 1804. The discovery of the domesticated rabbit as a convenient laboratory animal for the study and the diagnosis of the disease by Galtier in 1879 and the outstanding finding by Raux in 1881 concerning the neurotropism of the agent of the disease and the intracerebral route of inoculation by which prompt transmission could be established, paved the way for Pasteur and his colleagues for their world-known discovery of protecting animals and man against this disease. The vaccine produced and administered by Pasteur himself and numerous other types of vaccines always prepared with the same Pasteur's historical and modified virus which he named "fixed virus" were endeavours in the way of improving the safety and the antieenicitv of the products to fight a hundred per cent fatal illness. The evolution of these efforts during the past 90 years, since Pasteur's first attempt to protect an exposed individual against rabies crowned by outstanding and vcrv promising results are discussed.

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    The percentage of strains of Stn plrylococcus .t1lln'us that can be typed with the basic set phages has fallen in recent years (1,2)). It appears, therefore, that all increasing proportion of stcphvlococci, for whatever reason, arc unsuscepriblc to the basic set phages and it is essential that new phages be introduced if the situation is to be improved. Seven new phages have ben issued by the International Reference Centre on Phage-Typing of Staphylococci, to several reference laboratories so that the value of these phages could be assessed. This is the report of our laboratory at the School of Public Health, Section of Staphylococcal PhageTyping, on the cfl'ccrivcucss of these new phages.

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    Five organo-phosphorous compounds were tested against lab-bred and wild caught larvae of Ano pliclcs stcphclIsi nrysorcnsis at the Kazeroun Medical Research Station, southern Iran, during May-june, 1974. This study showed that as the larvae grew their tolerance to the insecticides tested increased up to 5 times more than that of day-old larvae. When Iate 3rd and early 4th instal' larvae of wild caught .•111. stcnhcnsi mysorcnsis were tested against organo-phosphorous compounds, the LC50's increased up to 2 times more than those of the same instal' larvae of lab-bred mosquitoes of this species.

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    An interesting case of rare multiple hydatid of parotid, brain and kidney is reported. She is a 35-year-old married woman first referred because of a swelling in the parotid region and later for neurological manifestions. On general physical examination, an abdominal mass was felt in the right hypochondrium. These multiple space-occupying 'lesions in the brain, kidney and parotid proved to be hydatid cyst. A short discussion on the classification of hydatid multiple localisation and the different ways that the parasite could reach different organs IS given and the control measures are highlighted.