Original Article

Perception of HIV/AIDS Education at the Community Level in Jordan



Background: The control of spread of HIV takes concerted efforts at both national and international levels. Education is an important component of preventing the spread of HIV. This study aimed to assess the attitudes of parents, teachers and students towards informing children about HIV/AIDS, attitudes concerning 'proper' age to learn about HIV/AIDS, possible differences in attitudes relating to gender of child and what they should learn and ideas about the most 'adequate' person/institution to be responsible for provision of HIV/AIDS education.

Methods: This study was conducted in Amman, Jordan in April 2015. Descriptive correlational design was used; a sample of school students, university students, school teachers and parents, a stratified random sample was used. Data was collected by using a questionnaire.

Results: All groups asserted the importance of HIV/AIDS education and awareness rising for all. 62.0% of respondents thought that school was the main source of information. About 82% of respondents believed that HIV/AIDS education should be integrated into different disciplines of school curricula, 84% of respondents believed that HIV/AIDS education should be part of university curricula. Nobody believed that HIV/AIDS education should be restricted to boys only.

Conclusion: As HIV/AIDS is a scary matter to all, stigmatization and shame may be behind potentially bigger numbers of infected or ill people who do not come forward for treatment or care. Attitudes of their kin care providers need to be addressed as well as those of the official health care providers.



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IssueVol 46 No 3 (2017) QRcode
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HIV/AIDS education Attitudes Students Jordan

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How to Cite
ABU MOGHLI F, AL HABEESH S, ABU SHIKHA L. Perception of HIV/AIDS Education at the Community Level in Jordan. Iran J Public Health. 2017;46(3):301-307.