Review Article

Public Health in Serbia through the Lens of Security: A Review Article


Background: In recent years, the concept of health security has received an international dimension. However, despite evident links between health and security the concept of health security is not used in either academic or political discourse in Serbia. It comes as no surprise then that even though the issue of security challenges is present in Serbian legislation, it has not been incorporated into the National Security Strategy, by which health threats would be recognized as one of contemporary security priorities.

Methods: The method applied is descriptive and analytical, in keeping with social studies research methodology and the aims of this study.

Results: The 20th and the 21st century in Serbia have both been marked by events indicating a clear link between health and security. The most telling example of this connection is the events of the 1990s, namely civil wars, sanctions and the NATO bombing. The results of our research show that poor health conditions, an increasing number of reemerging diseases and pandemics of new diseases can have serious implications for the functioning of the state and devastating consequences for its population. What is most at risk are people’s lives, capability for work, the entire economy and the capacities of the army and overall national security.

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate an inextricable link between health and security and the necessity of viewing health through the lens of health security and incorporating it as such into the National Security Strategy.



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Public health Health security Serbia

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ROKVIĆ V, JEFTIĆ Z, AJZENHAMER V. Public Health in Serbia through the Lens of Security: A Review Article. Iran J Public Health. 2016;45(9):1136-1145.