Original Article

Assessment of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Two Provinces of Turkey


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main health issues in Turkey. Extrapulmonary TB cases have significant proportion comparing pulmonary TB cases. The aim of the study was to evaluate the extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) cases in two regions of Turkey, which have different demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, EPTB cases between 2000 and 2005 in Van and Izmir Provinces of Turkey were analyzed and compared for symptoms, age groups, vaccination status, diagnostic procedures and social-economical conditions within two provinces. Descriptive analytic methods were used.

Results: Total of 397 EPTB cases were reviewed retrospectively in Izmir and Van provinces. Pleural TB was most often seen EPTB form (47.6% vs. 32.6%) and female/male ratio was similar in both groups. Patients were in older ages in Izmir Province. Chest pain (20% vs. 32%), cough (33% vs. 26%) and night sweatiness (29% vs. 36%) were leading complaints. Low BCG vaccination rate and higher childhood EPTB were found in Van group, in contrary elderly EPTB was more often in of Izmir group.

Conclusion: Frequency of severe forms of EPTB is more often in younger ages in lower social economical condition areas.


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IssueVol 45 No 3 (2016) QRcode
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Extrapulmonary tuberculosis Socioeconomic factors Turkey

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How to Cite
TATAR D, SENOL G, ALPTEKIN S, GUNES E, AYDIN M, GUNES O. Assessment of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Two Provinces of Turkey. Iran J Public Health. 2016;45(3):305-313.