
Metallothionein Lower Under-Expression in Benign Tumors than That in Malignant Tumors: Systematic Review Article and Meta-Analysis


Metallothionein (MT) manifests varying expression levels in carcinomas, and they may be considered as valuable cell cancerization biomarkers for diagnosis of patients with cancers. A meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate comprehensively the MT expression difference in various benign tumors and malignant tumors, which compared the high with low MT expression levels in patients of the available studies. Finally, a total of 13 studies dealing with various tumors were involved for this meta-analysis. The results indicated that lower expression of MT in various benign tumors tissue than that in corresponding malignant tumors with the pooled OR of 0.52 (95 % CI 0.18-1.47, P < 0.001). In conclusion, MT expression difference is associated with tumor various stages in tumor patients and could be a useful clinical criteria of distinguishing benign tumors and malignant tumors for those patients.

IssueVol 43 No 6 (2014) QRcode
Benign tumors Malignant tumors Meta-analysis Metallothionein

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How to Cite
Zhang J, Sun R, Liu Y, Wang G, Wang Q. Metallothionein Lower Under-Expression in Benign Tumors than That in Malignant Tumors: Systematic Review Article and Meta-Analysis. Iran J Public Health. 1;43(6):696-704.