Original Article

Effects of a Nonviolent Communication Education Program on Empathy, Interpersonal Relationships, Stress, and Resilience among Korean Nursing Students


Background: This randomized and controlled pre- and post-test experimental study investigated the effects of a nonviolent communication education program on empathy, interpersonal relationships, stress, and resilience among Korean nursing students.
Methods: We included 51 Korean nursing students from a university in Busan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea, with 26 in the experimental group and 25 in the control group. Data were collected from May to August 2024, and the nonviolent communication education program was conducted for 8 hours daily. To confirm program effectiveness, the participants were asked to practice nonviolent communication during the 5 weeks of participation in the program, and a reflection journal was to be written daily. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, χ2-tests, independent t-tests, and a repeated-measures analysis of variance.
Results: The over-time change in empathy and interpersonal relationship scores in the experimental group was significantly different from those in the control group (F=8.540, P<0.001 and F=3.654, P=0.029, respectively). However, the over-time change in stress and resilience scores in the experimental group was not significantly different from those in the control group (F=0.366, P=0.851 and F=0.256, P=0.775, respectively).
Education programConclusion: The nonviolent communication education program was effective in promoting empathy and interpersonal relationships among nursing students. However, its effects on stress and resilience were not significant. Periodic implementation of the program coupled with stress-relief strategies may be effective. A long-term program must be implemented to verify changes in nursing students’ self-understanding. Moreover, further research is needed on the sustainability of the program’s effects.

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Education program Empathy Interpersonal relationships Nonviolent Nursing students Stress

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How to Cite
Park J-H, Jung H, Lee YH, Choi YC, Youn K-H. Effects of a Nonviolent Communication Education Program on Empathy, Interpersonal Relationships, Stress, and Resilience among Korean Nursing Students. Iran J Public Health. 2025;54(3):578-588.