Original Article

Health Effects of Plant-Based Diets in University Life: A Comprehensive Study on the Constipation, Sleep and Obesity


Background: Plant-based diets have gained popularity due to their nutrient density and potential to reduce chronic disease risk. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between diet quality and plant-based diets consumed with constipation, sleep duration and obesity in university students.
Methods: In this study conducted between September and October 2024, 676 students were recruited as participants and data on socio-demographic information, daily sleep duration, presence of constipation, 24-hour food consumption record and food consumption frequency were collected. Diet Quality Index (DQI) and Plant-Based Diet Index (PBDI) were calculated from food consumption record and frequency data.
Results: Constipation was present in 14.5% of the participants and the BMI of the participants was 21.84±3.47 kg/m2. There was a significant relationship between age and constipation (P=0.013) and a weak negative relationship between age and sleep duration and PBDI (r=-0.103, P=0.007; r=-0.077, P=0.045, respectively); A weak negative correlation was found between BMI and PBDI and DQI (r=-0.092, P=0.016; r=0.173, P=0.000, respectively); a significant correlation was found between the presence of constipation and gender and income level (P=0.047; P=0.013, respectively).
Conclusion: PBDI and DQI were associated with lower BMI and emphasised the potential of alternative nutritional models in the fight against obesity. The lack of an association between PBDI, DQI and sleep duration and constipation suggests that further research is needed. This study emphasises the importance of healthy eating and lifestyle interventions, but its design limits causal conclusions and requires further research.

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Plant-based diet Diet quality Constipation Sleep Obesity

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How to Cite
Toğuç H. Health Effects of Plant-Based Diets in University Life: A Comprehensive Study on the Constipation, Sleep and Obesity. Iran J Public Health. 2025;54(2):370-378.