Review Article

Impact of Inadequate Nutrition in Lung Transplant Recovery: A Meta-Analysis


Background: We aimed to appraise and compare the impact of inadequate nutrition in lung transplant recovery.
Methods: Based on the inspection of the meta-analysis data, the odds ratio (OR) and mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were derived by dichotomous random or fixed effect models. 6 papers with 1399 lung transplant who were available between 2020 and 2024 were comprised in this meta-analysis.
Results: Frail had significantly higher hospital length of stay (MD, 2.80; 95% CI, 1.80-3.80, P< 0.001), and all-cause mortality (OR, 2.33; 95% CI, 1.40-3.87, P=0.001) compared to non-frail in subjects with lung transplant. However, no significant difference was found between frail and non-frail in intubation post-lung transplant (MD, 7.00; 95% CI, -17.52-31.52, P=0.58), and intensive care unit length of stay (MD, -1.70; 95% CI, -4.53- 1.14, P=0.24) in subjects with lung transplant.
Conclusion: Using frail had significantly higher hospital length of stay, and all-cause mortality, however, no significant difference was found in intubation post-lung transplant, and intensive care unit length of stay compared to non-frail in subjects with lung transplant However, given that comparisons comprised a small number of studies, attention ought to be given to their values.

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IssueVol 54 No 3 (2025) QRcode
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Lung transplant Hospital Intubation post-lung transplant Frail All-cause mortality Intensive care

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Cao X, Liu C, Liu Q, Gao J, Wang Y, Yang F. Impact of Inadequate Nutrition in Lung Transplant Recovery: A Meta-Analysis. Iran J Public Health. 2025;54(3):454-464.