Anemia: Etiology, Pathophysiology, Impact, and Prevention: A Review
Background: Anemia is a significant public health problem worldwide in rich and poor countries. Anemia among teenagers can be seriously almost entirely caused by a lack of substance iron, which is closely related to the level of severity of anemia. The most visible effect of anemia is a decline in achievement studying in school. This article briefly introduces anemia, etiology, pathophysiology, impact, and preventive measures.
Methods: Major databases, including Scopus, Pubmed, Proquest, Google Scholar, and Science Direct, were researched to obtain articles related to anemia in adolescent girls. The keywords used in the literature search were “ anemia and teenage girls "and " anemia prevention. " The time frame of the articles obtained ranged from 2012 to 2023.
Results: Enhancement observed prevalence during several final years will cause prevalence to exceed the agreed target level. The most visible impact of anemia is a decline in achievement studying in school. Not only that, teenage women who suffer from anemia are at risk of experiencing anemia during pregnancy, which can hurt the growth and development of the fetus in Content. Apart from that, there is the potential to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Conclusion: Identifying and understanding the etiology of anemia is critical to developing effective prevention strategies with screening. An integrated approach to early prevention of anemia involves collaboration between the health, education, and community sectors.
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Anemia Etiology Pathophysiology Impact Prevention |
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