Original Article

Impact of Acne on the Quality of Life of Adolescents in the Territory of the Northern and Southern Regions of Montenegro


Background: Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease predominantly known as a disease of adolescents. We aimed to assess the quality of life of adolescents with acne in the territory of northern and southern regions of Montenegro.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2024, in four secondary schools in the north and south of Montenegro with total number of 561 subjects. To assess the quality of life of adolescents with acne we used the Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index and to measure acne-related disability we used The Cardiff Acne Disability Index.
Results: The average value of the total CDLQI score among adolescents from the northern region of Montenegro was 4.45±3.31, and 4.03±3.50 among southern region. The average value of the total CADI score among adolescents from the northern region of Montenegro was 3.56±1.77, and 3.50±1.98 among adolescents from the southern region. A statistically significantly higher mean value of sub scores in adolescents from the northern region compared to adolescents from the southern region existed in the domain of symptoms and feelings, vacation and treatment (P< 0.05). The regression analysis was also performed.
Conclusion: This study confirms the negative impact of acne on the quality of life of Montenegrin adolescents, especially those in the northern region. It is necessary to give more attention to the acne problems from doctors, and to increase awareness among adolescents and provide them early and the most effective therapy.

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Acne Quality of life Adolescents Montenegro

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Popovic A, Djurovic Bojic M, Djurovic M, Bojic M, Pjescic T. Impact of Acne on the Quality of Life of Adolescents in the Territory of the Northern and Southern Regions of Montenegro. Iran J Public Health. 2024;53(10):2341-2349.