Original Article

Effect of an Exercise Intervention Based on General Adaptation Syndrome Model on Psychological Experience in Community-Dwelling Elderly


Background: With the intensification of population aging globally, the mental health of the elderly is not only related to their personal well-being but also directly affects family harmony and social stability. However, few studies have been conducted on interventions for mental health issues in the elderly.
Methods: From September to December 2023, a total of 164 elderly individuals were recruited from Ronghui Shanshui community through random cluster sampling and randomly divided into the control and experiment groups. The experiment group was given a three-month intervention based on general adaptation syndrome model, whereas the control group was given no intervention. At the end of the intervention period, an effect comparison was conducted between the two groups using the Physical Activity Rating Scale, University of California at Los Angels (UCLA) Loneliness Scale, and Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness.
Results: After the intervention, the well-being of the experiment group increases significantly and is significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).  After the intervention, the loneliness of the experiment group decreases significantly and is significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Exercise participation significantly mediates the relationship between the intervention and psychological experience (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: This intervention model is not only beneficial for improving positive psychological experience in the elderly but can also effectively reduce their negative psychological experience. This study provides valuable reference for scientific intervention in the mental health of the elderly.

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IssueVol 53 No 10 (2024) QRcode
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General adaptation syndrome model Tai Chi Exercise participation Psychological experience

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Dai L, Su B, Ma K. Effect of an Exercise Intervention Based on General Adaptation Syndrome Model on Psychological Experience in Community-Dwelling Elderly. Iran J Public Health. 2024;53(10):2298-2306.