Original Article

Socioeconomic and Health Characteristics as Predictors of Social Support in Elderly People with Visual Impairment: Evidence from Serbia


Background: Social networks and support have an independent and strong influence on health and quality of life at all stages of the life cycle, especially in the elderly. We aimed to determine the level of social support among the elderly population of the Republic of Serbia.
Methods: The survey is part of the fourth Health survey of the population of Serbia, which was conducted in 2019  by the Republic Institute of Statistics with the Institute for Public Health of Serbia "Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut" and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. The research instrument was standardized questionnaires constructed in accordance with the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS, wave3) and the social support score (Oslo-3 Social Support Scale). For the purposes of this research, data on the population aged 65 and over were used.
Results: In terms of social support, 85.8% of respondents had bad , 13.9% moderate and 0.3% strong. Univariate regression analysis determined that respondents from the territory of Vojvodina had a 1.6 times higher chance of poor social support compared to respondents from southern and eastern Serbia.  The probability of bad social support was 1.5 times higher in persons who were never married/cohabiting, persons with secondary education were at 1.6 times higher risk of poor social support compared to persons with higher education. Inactive persons had poor social support 1.4 times more often than employed persons, as well as persons with comorbidities (OR=1.218).
Conclusion: These researches are of great importance for public health because it provides valuable data for the creation of interventions that will intensify activities related to providing adequate social support to the elderly.

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IssueVol 53 No 10 (2024) QRcode
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Social support Elderly population National survey Republic of Serbia

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Djurovic N, Radovanovic S, Mihaljevic O, Radovanovic J, Stepovic M, Kovacevic M, Janicijevic K, Djordjevic G, Djordjevic O, Gajovic G, Djonovic N, Dimovic T, Janicijevic N, Maricic M, Vasiljevic D, Selakovic V. Socioeconomic and Health Characteristics as Predictors of Social Support in Elderly People with Visual Impairment: Evidence from Serbia. Iran J Public Health. 2024;53(10):2251-2259.