
Dioctophyme renale in Vulpes vulpes from the Caspian Sea littoral of Iran


During a long term of road survey for detection of the zoonotic helminthes in carnivores, a male Vulpes vulpes was naturally found infected by Dioctophyme renale in Caspian Sea littoral in Iran. Since the parasite transmission usually occurs through consumption of fish and other accidental food items, investigation of the worm amongst fish-eating animals in the areas with potential circulation of the helminth life cycle, has been regarded as a public health importance so far. Concerning the rout of parasite transmission to humans, different epidemiological aspects should be studied in the country. Present paper describes a destructive lesion of the kidney in the fox due to D. renale after almost a decade of monitoring for the parasite reservoirs in the region.

IssueVol 44 No 5 (2015) QRcode
Dioctophyma renale Fox Iran Zoonosis

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How to Cite
Hajialilo E, Mobedi I, Masoud J, Hasanpour H, Mowlavi G. Dioctophyme renale in Vulpes vulpes from the Caspian Sea littoral of Iran. Iran J Public Health. 1;44(5):698-700.